Issue - meetings
Meeting: 08/02/2022 - Planning Committee (Item 120)
A report by the Assistant Director - Planning
Additional documents:
The Assistant Director – Planning present the report noting that it provided a summary of the Council’s second Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS), which has been produced in accordance with the introduction of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Regulations 2019. It also provides a wider update on activities relating to S106 agreements.
The IFS provides details of planning obligations entered into within 2020/21, following the adoption of the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan, and also details the payments received for historic agreements, where triggers for obligations have been met, S106 monies currently held by the Council and any spend of S106 monies made within that year.
Summarising the Assistant Director – Planning confirmed that 12 new developer agreements were entered into in 2020/2021, which contained a total of £1,041,584 of monetary obligations (including education and affordable housing contributions) and 168 new affordable housing units (from 10 development sites) provided within the borough.
Key information noted a total 112 affordable housing units were delivered in 2020/2021; health contributions of £32,856.00 were received towards Swineshead Doctors Surgery; education contributions of £134,559 were received for secondary education at Haven High Academy and CCTV surveillance was provided for Public Open Space Land on Broadfield Lane play area. The report would be displayed on the Council’s website.
Member comment / questions followed which included:
Members supported the report and tabled questions that the Assistant Director- Planning answered as follows:
Recent discussion with the developer has indicated that the relevant junction is anticipated to open within the coming months in line with the construction phasing of the site.
A Unilateral Undertaking was a form of legal agreement with the same power as a Section 106 agreement and was logged on the land charges register and subject to the same enforcement.
Committee noted the Infrastructure Funding Statement.
The Chairman closed the meeting thanking all Members and Officers for their attendance.