Issue - meetings
Meeting: 03/10/2022 - Audit & Governance Committee (Item 56)
(A report by Suzanne Rolfe, Insights & Transformation Manager)
Additional documents:
The Insights & Transformation Manager presented a report which set out the Q1 (end of June 2022) Risk report.
Following Member comments at the previous meeting the four following items were addressed;
- Infrastructure – a new infrastructure risk has been added to the Strategic Risk, which covers road, rail, waste management, water supply, energy and digital connectivity. It was a medium risk at that time and the mitigation was across the sub-region, which was widened following Member suggestion
- Environmental Crime in the waterways, a response was circulated to the Committee ahead of the meeting.
- Recruitment & Retention – this was raised at the last clinic and was noted, there had been no chance since the previous meeting.
- Impact of Ukraine conflict – this was discussed at the clinic and it was agreed that as it does not affect one single risk, it will affect a number of risks both strategic and operational and across the three Councils. As such, the Partnership Risk Register will be following up.
Members were concerned with the current economic climate; specifically the Housing and Health Risk. Members were in agreement that those should be marked higher on the Risk register.
RESOLVED: That the Committee note the report.
(Mr Pickering agreed with the decision)