Issue - meetings
Meeting: 03/10/2022 - Audit & Governance Committee (Item 58)
A report by Matthew Waller, Internal Audit Manager
The Internal Audit Manager presented the Internal Audit Progress Report which provided Members with an update on the previous Internal Audit Progress report.
The Internal Audit Manager updated Members on the following areas;
- There were audits around IT and Key control work around the Council’s financial controls, income and the Towns Fund, which had been a major investment for Boston at that time.
- That there was a lot of substantial assurance throughout the Audit.
- The one limited was the Housing Benefit Subsidy work, this work was carried out every year for the previous year, meaning this year was looking at the 2021 year which resulting in limited assurance. The details which lead to this was attached at appendix 1 of the report pack.
- PSPS had agreed to share their most recent audit as the audit was based around client management with the partnering councils which ended with a high level of assurance, summary was attached with the report.
- The overdue audit recommendations showed that there was 1 high and 7 medium recommendations that are overdue, it was confirmed that this was a very small amount and none of those recommendations apply to a limited or low assurance review.
Members made comments relating to an external review that stated there should be at least two Lay Members in a Committee – the Internal Audit Manager confirmed that while it is considered good practice to have two Lay members, he understood they are difficult to find.
RESOLVED: The report be noted by the Committee.
(Mr Pickering agreed with the decision)