Agenda and minutes

Overview & Scrutiny - Environment & Performance Committee - Tuesday, 3rd March, 2020 6.30 pm


Contact: Karen Rist, Democratic Services Officer  Telephone Number 01205 314226. email:

No. Item



To receive apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were tabled by Councillor David Brown Portfolio Holder.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 109 KB

To sign and confirm the  minutes of the previous meeting.


With the agreement of the committee the Chairman signed the minutes of the previous meeting.



To receive declarations of interests in respect of any item on the agenda.


No declarations were recorded



To answer any written questions received from members of the public no later than 5 p.m. two clear working days prior to the meeting – for this meeting the deadline is 5 p.m. on Thursday 27 February 2020


No public questions were tabled



A report by the Head of Place and Space

Additional documents:


The Head of Place and Space addressed the meeting and confirmed that the update report was tabled at the request of the committee and been relocated to the Guildhall to allow all attendees to view the exhibits which were noted within the report.


At this point in the proceedings The Museum’s Events & Venue Officer escorted members of the committee and guests from the public gallery around the Guildhall to view the new exhibition ‘Pilgrims and the Thread to America’, which shared a complex and compelling tale of intrigue and influence. It explored Boston’s role in the Pilgrims’ story and also the later founding of Boston, Massachusetts, in 1630.   The exhibition also included original documents on loan from the Lincolnshire Archives, which had never before been on public display together. 


The thread that linked the story of the Pilgrims in Boston to the puritans, who left for America in 1630, was a Boston cloth dealer, Leonard Beetson.   

Mr Beetson who was arrested with known Pilgrims including William Brewster and William Bradford, never joined them in their eventual escape and chose instead to remain in Boston, England.   Mr Beeston went on to become a Boston councillor who knew John Cotton, the charismatic and influential vicar of St. Botolph’s Church.  

Mr Beetson passed away before the Cotton Congregation began their movement in 1630 from Boston, UK over to Boston, America.  John Cotton himself settled in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1633.


During the tour of the exhibits members and guests were able to walk in the footsteps of Mr Beeston and his accomplices, viewing the prison cells and the court room where they were tried.


The Museum’s Events & VenueOfficer also provided update information in respect of events for 2020 in relation to the exhibitions together with commercial activities held within the Guildhall.


Following the tour the Head of Place and Space reminded the meeting that in May 2016 Plymouth had secure £500k in funding from Visit England to promote the Mayflower Pilgrims story overseas.  Boston’s businesses had directly benefitted from travel journalists and bloggers who had produced positive copy promoting the town and the events.  Referencing the development of Illuminate the Head of Place and Space confirmed that match funding of £10k had been agreed by the Council to support a bid for  Arts Council England for £100k.  


Events in respect of the American connection had been maximised allowing the public to engage in the Pilgrims experience. 


The changing understanding of Boston’s association with the Pilgrim story outlined in the exhibition, had also led Officers to determine that a further bid to Arts Council England for additional research and interpretation was needed to further develop the exhibition to encompass Boston’s influence both locally and internationally as we lead up to Boston 2030 and the celebration of the founding of Boston Massachusetts.

Referencing the Structures on the Edge sculpture project for Havenside close to the Pilgrim Memorial on the sea bank, the Head of Place and Space confirmed the Arts Council England, LCC & BBC  ...  view the full minutes text for item 50.



Standing Item

Additional documents:


The Chairman confirmed that the next scheduled meeting of the committee would be a two item agenda, consideration of the Corporate Plan and deliberation of the quarter three performance reporting with a view to structuring the work programme for the forthcoming year.  Members were also advised that an initial invitation to the Corporate and Community committee to hold that meeting as a Joint Scrutiny meeting, to allow both committee’s to work together in deliberation of the Corporate Plan had been declined.


Updating on the work of the Task and Finish review, the Chairman advised that it was progressing well.  A recent meeting with the Council’s Licensing and Land Charges Manager, together with Sgt. Enderby and PC. McConville of Lincolnshire Police had proven to be very enlightening with significant recommendations resulting to address the outcomes of the public consultation and initial meeting with support services within the town.

The next meeting of the review was scheduled for March 17th 2020 when the group would consider the work to date and look to identify any further representation it wished to receive.


The Head of Environmental Operations drew members attention to the two Inquiry evenings (scheduled for Car Parking Income and then Fly Tipping) which had resulted from the committee’s last meeting in January whilst considering the quarter two performance reporting.  He further noted his support of the work of the review group in helping to drive service improvements.