Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room, Municipal Buildings, West Street, Boston, PE21 8QR
Contact: Karen Rist, Democratic Services Officer Phone: 01205 314226 email:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive apologies for absence and notification of substitutes (if any). Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Colin Brotherton and Maureen Dennis with no substitute member in attendance. |
To sign and confirm the minutes of the last meeting. Minutes: With the agreement of the committee the chairman signed the minutes of the previous meeting which had been held on the 7th February 2017. |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS To receive declarations of interests in respect of any item on the agenda. Minutes: The following declarations of interest all relate to planning application B 15 0264
Councillor David Brown declared that having taken legal advice on the fact that he had in his electoral leaflet of 2015 objected to the application in its current form at that time. That had been 2 years ago the application had been granted and that whilst he may have pre-disposition to the application he had no pre-determination whatsoever and would consider the application with an open mind.
Councillor Sue Ransome declared that due to her past active involvement in objecting to the application prior to becoming a Borough Councillor together with her role as a director of Clarke Court Management Company she would absent herself from the meeting and take no part in the deliberation or determination of the application.
Councillor Brian Rush confirmed he had been an active member of a pressure group known as the Quadrant Action Group which had objected to the application. He confirmed that his only issue had been against the stadium and as such felt comfortable he could determine this application in an open minded manner.
Councillor Alison Austin declared she had stood down from the original meeting due to her dual position as mayor in that she had not wished to be seen to be favouring one side of the community or the other, together with the proximity of her own property near to the stadium. She stressed that as the application for deliberation was discussing housing only she felt able to sit and determine the application.
Councillor Michael Cooper sought a point of clarity as he stated that he personally did not feel comfortable with the Chairman actually chairing the meeting, due to her past history in respect of the application and the close proximity of her private residence to the Quadrant application.
Councillor Alison Austin stressed that she did not live close the application site for the housing development and requested legal advice from the Monitoring Officer.
The Monitoring Officer stated that the proximity of a members’ property to an application site was a DPI if the property abutted the application site, or was directly affected by any decision on it: in that situation the member clearly had no discretion whatsoever and needed to absent themselves from the meeting. However, if the member’s property was in the proximity of the site then dependant on the distance from the curtalige of the site, it was not a DPI but was under a members code of conduct direction and also in line with the Nolan principle of objectivity of whether a member could deal with the application in an objective manner or not.
Confirming other planning committee members had already sought advice on this application, the Monitoring Officer then confirmed that it was pertinent to Section 25 of the Localism Act in that had a member expressed a view, formed an opinion or voted in anyway, that it did not preclude them in taking further part as long as the ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
PUBLIC QUESTIONS To answer any written questions received from members of the public no later than 5 p.m. two clear working days prior to the meeting. Minutes: No public questions were tabled.
It is noted that Councillors Brian Rush and Claire Rylott absented from the meeting at this point in the proceedings. |
PLANNING APPLICATION B 15 0264 PDF 1 MB Application for the approval of Reserved Matters for Phases One and Two following the grant of outline planning approval B 14 0165 for mixed development on land known as the Quadrant.
Land either side of the A16 south of Tytton Lane East Wyberton Boston
Mr Neil Kempster Chestnut Homes Limited
Additional documents: Minutes: Application for the approval of Reserved Matters for Phases One and Two housing following the grant of outline planning approval B/14/0165 for mixed development on land known as The Quadrant.
1. Details of the appearance, layout, scale and access for Phase One 91 and Phases Two 56 one and two bed apartments and two, three, four and five bed houses, of which 62 would be affordable homes on land to the south of 11 to 47 (odds inc) Tytton Lane East.
2. Submission of details and discharge of conditions 31 (Protected Species), 38 (Archaeology), 44 (Biodiversity Plan), 45 (Affordable Housing Plan) and 46 (Flood Risk Mitigation Strategy) of outline planning approval B/14/0165
Revised proposals received by the local planning authority on 11 October 2016 for 147 plots
Land either side of the A16, south of Tytton Lane East, Wyberton, Boston, Lincolnshire
Mr Neil Kempster, Chestnut Homes Limited
The Development Control Manager presented the report to the committee initially providing an overview of the original application and the outline permission which had been granted in August 2014 and what a Hybrid application was.
He also provided a re-cap on reserved matters conditions and on the triggers on planning obligations attached to the permissions. Committee were advised that there are 50 conditions on the outline permission, plus a planning obligation and a legal agreement concluded.
Referencing the outstanding objection in respect of flood risk mitigation by the Environment Agency, the Development Control Manager advised that it was the applicant’s intent to start the development at the end of March 2017. Committee were being asked to offer guidance on the flood risk mitigation issue and to agree a delegation with terms for the Development Control Manager to take forward, and liaise with both the applicant and Environment Agency to enable the start of the development.
Representation was received from the applicant which included:
Recognising the application was for reserved matters, the applicant advised he felt it would be beneficial to update members on the progress of the application to date in respect of the Hi-Bred application.
Referring to the infrastructure for the whole development, committee were advised that the main A16 roundabout had been fully completed along with the stadium access road in 2016. The first leg of the distributor road onto the site and on site roundabout and dual carriageway had been completed in 2017 and the commercial access road was scheduled to be laid with tarmac very shortly. The second leg of the distributor road through to London Road had a contract on it and was due to start in April 2017. The London Road properties had been demolished with tenders going out next month. The first part of the residential access road was scheduled to be completed in mid April 2017 which would result in the infrastructure being completed by the end of 2017.
Addressing the commercial site, the applicant confirmed that seven were now under contract with a further one having just agreed terms: he noted that such development ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
PLANNING APPLICATION B 16 0455 PDF 714 KB Construction of 3 metre high metal post and concrete panel wall adjoining the eastern boundary of the property from existing wall for a distance of approximately 20 metres south to existing entrance gate.
Dragon’s Gate Spilsby Road Boston
Jennifer Brewster.
THIS ITEM HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN BY THE APPLICANT FOLLOWING ISSUE OF THE AGENDA. Additional documents: Minutes: This planning application was withdrawn by the applicant on the 28 February 2017. |
DELEGATED DECISION LIST PDF 189 KB Delegated Decision List for the period 16.01.17 to 10.02.17 Minutes: Committee noted the delegated decision list for 15-01-2017 to 10-02-2017 |