Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Tuesday, 15th August, 2017 2.00 pm

Public access to this meeting is available via between the hours of 6.15pm – 6.30pm via the main door of the Municipal Buildings on West Street, Boston

Venue: Committee Room, Municipal Buildings, West Street, Boston, PE21 8QR

Contact: Janette Collier, Senior Democratic Services Officer  Phone: 01205 314226 email:

No. Item



To receive apologies for absence and notification of substitutes (if any).


Apologies for absence were tabled for Councillors Anton Dani; Aaron Spencer and Yvonne Stevens with no substitute members in attendance.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 281 KB

To sign and confirm the minutes of the last meeting.


With agreement of the Committee the Chairman signed the minutes of the previous meeting.



To receive declarations of interests in respect of any item on the agenda.



The clerk advised the lobbying forms had been formally lodged with the Council by all members in attendance at the committee meeting in respect of planning application B 17 0152.


A collective standing declaration of interest is noted in respect of Lincolnshire County Councillors Paul Skinner and Alison Austin who attended and participated in all items on the agenda


A collective standing declaration of interest is noted in respect of Councillors David Brown, Sue Ransome, Alison Austin, Colin Brotherton, Michael Cooper, Claire Rylott and Jonathan Noble in respect of their membership of the SELLP which is referenced within the meeting.


Councillor Sue Ransome declared that having been in liaison with objectors in respect of planning application B 17 0152, for openness and transparency she would absent from the meeting for the presentation and deliberation of that application.


Councillors Claire Rylott; Colin Brotherton and Sue Ransome declared they had been in attendance at Kirton Parish Council when planning application B 17 0171 had been addressed:  all three members confirmed they had taken no part in any deliberation on the application at that time.


Councillor David Brown declared that due to his personal relationship with the applicant for planning application B 17 0258 he would absent from the meeting for the presentation and deliberation of that application.




To answer any written questions received from members of the public no later than 5 p.m. two clear working days prior to the meeting.


No public questions were tabled.


PLANNING APPLICATION B 17 0171 pdf icon PDF 945 KB

Application for the erection of 91 dwellings and associated infrastructure and works (resulting in a total development of 180 dwellings, 40 dwellings above that already approved for the site)


Land west of Boston Road  Kirton  Boston


Persimmon Homes.

Additional documents:


Full Planning Permission


Application for the erection of 91 dwellings and associated infrastructure and works (resulting in a total development of 180 dwellings, 40 dwellings above that already approved for the site)


Land West of Boston Road, Kirton


The Development Control Manager presented the application and advised that there were no update information submissions to report.  Committee were advised that the application sought a re-plan of an existing permission.


Representation was received from the applicant which included:


Committee were advised that the applicant felt the report provided a detailed and fair assessment of the application and also produced a thorough recommendation.  The principle of residential development had already been established for permission for 140 houses with current build underway on the site.   The new proposal sought a re-plan of the western side of the site.


There had been a building presence on the site since February 2016 with demand for the 2 and 3 bedroom houses but little interest shown in the 4 and 5 bedroom builds.  As such the applicant had decided to re-plan the remainder of the site and introduce smaller houses which would offer much needed relevant housing.


The new mix of housing would result in 25% of the site providing 1 bed units; 33% providing 2 bedroom, 31% providing 3 bedroom with the remaining 10% of the site providing 4 bed houses.


Confirmation was given that the layout was to the same design principles as the remainder of the site already approved, which included road layout, open space layout and tree retention and careful consideration had been given to the detail to replicate what had already been built, to maintain the character of the site complimentary to a semi rural location.


Members were asked to recognise that there was full support of the re-plan by all technical consultees and that the plan accorded with both the local plan and with NPPF guidance.


It was moved by Councillor Jonathan Noble and seconded by Councillor Paul Skinner that the application be granted as per officer recommendation and subject to the condition therein:


Vote:     In Favour    10                  Against 0                 Abstention 0


RESOLVED:    That the application be granted in line with officer recommendation and subject to the following conditions and reasons:


1.         The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans received 10th May 2017:


§   Site Location Plan (1/44)

§   Planning Layout (2/44) Drwg no. BRK(RP)-PL-001

§   Charter Plan Replan (3/44) Drwg no. BRK/RP/CP/01

§   Phase 2 Site Drainage (Sheet 3 of 6) (4/44) drwg no. 2/40-04-03     

       Rev. P1

§   Phase 2 Site Drainage (Sheet 4 of 6) (5/44) drwg no. 2/40-04-04

       Rev. P1

§   Phase 2 Site Drainage (Sheet 5 of 6) (6/44) drwg no. 2/40-04-05

       Rev. P1

§   Phase 2 Site Drainage (Sheet 6 of 6) (7/44) drwg no. 2/40-04-06

       Rev. P1

§   Site Levels Layout (8/44) Drawing  no. 10-02 Rev. P5

§   LEAP details (9/44) Drwg no. Q3698

§   Proposed Access Arrangements (10/44) drwg no. 13102-010

§   Swept Path  ...  view the full minutes text for item 52.


PLANNING APPLICATION B 17 0152 pdf icon PDF 483 KB

Application for change of use from agricultural land to parking area (sui generis).


Drayton Motors    The Drayton    Swineshead   Boston


Wilson and Co (Kia) Ltd

Additional documents:


Full Planning Permission


Application for change of use from agricultural land to parking area (sui



Drayton Motors, The Drayton, Swineshead, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE20 3JN


The Senior Planning Officer presented the report and confirmed the following updates to the report tabled. 




  1. The re-consultation expiry date was actually 18th August because the applicant had agreed to an extension of time and therefore the recommendation should be ‘delegate to approve’ subject to no new matters being raised which had not been considered by the committee.
  2. To date the Environment Health Officer had considered the application and had raised no objections.
  3. The Environment Agency had responded with no comments.
  4. Black Sluice Internal Drainage Board had noted the changed to both surfaces of the parking areas and the updated proposal regarding disposal of surface water.  They had spoken with the agent regarding the changes and confirmed that provided the applicant carried out the requisite tests to prove the systems worked and accepted full responsibility for any failure, they would have no further comment
  5. Swineshead Parish Council responded on the 9 August advising they had no comments on the amended boundary treatment and confirmed their original comments still stood as identified in the report.
  6. A letter dated 8 August 2017 had been received from Mr and Mrs Curtis stating the objected in that there was inadequate time to consider the amendments.  The information had also been circularised to members.
  7. A letter dated 9 August 2017 was received from Mr and Mrs Curtis objecting to insufficient detail of drainage solutions.  It also reference the time frame for consideration which had formed part of a formal complaint being dealt with separately.
  8. A further letter was received dated 9 August 2017 from Mr and Mrs Gooderham was had noted they would prefer to see a high wooden fence instead of the current proposal and which also questioned the filling of existing ditches and also the use of soakaways.
  9. On the afternoon of the meeting a 33 page representation had been submitted by Sonya Perry and Colleen Lintin which related to land ownership issues and a boundary dispute with an adjoining neighbour on that site.  The submission had been read and acknowledgment of receipt of the submission had been sent from the Senior Planning Officer and the Development Control Manager.


Representation was received from objectors which included:


Concern was noted at increased noise / light pollution and adverse visual impact on neighbours with a request for the provision of a 2m high wooden fence, instead of the chain link fence which would provide greater privacy and a reduction in noise.  Further concerns noted the movements of traffic / parking of large vehicles on the Drayton which caused problems for local residents when exiting their own homes onto the highway, with further concern that whilst the application intended 30 parking bays for staff, it also stated an increase in staffing on the site which would result in a loss of customer parking to accommodate the increase in staff parking.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 53.



Erection of 4no. semi-detached houses.


Malc Firth Nurseries Ltd    Blow’s Lane    Sutterton


Mr Paul Firth

Additional documents:


Full Planning Permission


Erection of 4no. semi-detached houses


Malc Firth Nurseries Ltd, Blow’s Lane, Sutterton, Boston,


The Development Control Manager presented the application to the committee and advised one update to the report tabled in that further representation had been received from no.36 Blows Lane citing objections in respect of the impact the development would have on a single track road, the houses proposed were larger than the surrounding bungalows, they are concerned about noise and dust and they say they would be happier with bungalows.


Representation was received from the applicant which included:


The applicant had positively promoted the village of Sutterton and both they and their family lived and worked within the village and they liked to think that their company and employees made a positive contribution to the community.  The nursery business had been established in 2013 to provide its sister company which had been based in the village for thirty years, with its landscaping business.  The nursery was relatively small to other in the industry and for it to survive and be competitive the applicant need to look to expand.  Their ambition was to develop the small area of land for the benefit of the village and to give security to ongoing business allowing for expansion.  It would also create more jobs for people in the village.  Members were asked to recognise that the area for development was a small brownfield site currently used as a car park close to existing houses. 



The proposed housing would contribute to the immediate housing shortage in the village for semi detached housing as most ongoing developments were for either bungalow or 4 / 5 bed housing.  Referencing point 4.7 in the report the applicant agreed the development would be unsustainable, should it be the complete four acre site they were wishing to develop to raise funds to relocate to a larger site.  He stressed however that the 4 semi detached houses would be sustainable and further confirmed that they would be built in keeping with the local street scene.


It was moved by Councillor Jonathan Noble and seconded by Councillor Barrie Pierpoint that the application be granted contrary to officer recommendation and that the Development Control Manager be delegated powers to produce the conditions and reasons to support the grant of the application.


Vote:     In Favour    9                  Against 0                 Abstention 0


RESOLVED:    That the application be granted subject to officer recommendation and that the Development Control Manager be delegated power to produce the conditions and reasons for the grant.


1.     The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

Reason:   Required to be imposed pursuant to Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


2.     The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans received 30th June and 25th July 2017:


§  Site Location Plan drwg no. 599.1-000 (1/4)

§  Site Layout Plan drwg no. 599.1-0001 Rev. A (2a/4)

§  Floor  ...  view the full minutes text for item 54.



A report by the Development Control Manager

Additional documents:


The Development Control Manager presented the report to committee confirming that it had been subject of committee consideration in draft format in May 2016 and been approved for.  The adoption of the Guide would give weight and aid the Council in decision making in respect of shop frontages especially in the conservation area.  Not just Boston but for any shop front and signage issues anywhere across the B.


It was moved by Councillor Alison Austin and seconded by Councillor Paul Skinner that Cabinet be recommended to formerly adopt the Boston Shop Front Guide subject to the typographical errors highlighted.


Resolved:    That that Cabinet be recommended to formerly adopt the Boston Shop Front Guide subject to the amendments identified.




A report by the Development Control Manager in respect of an appeal decision


Katmandu   West Street  Boston

Additional documents:


The Development Control Manager presented the report to committee confirming that the enforcement notice had been served at Katmandu on West Street Boston due to the windows in question being tilted top plastic with stuck on glazing bars and not as required, timber sliding sash windows.

The appeal been dismissed and the appellant had 3 months in which to insert sliding sash timber windows.


Resolved:    That committee received the report.


DELEGATED DECISION LIST 26 06 17 TO 21 07 17 pdf icon PDF 254 KB

A report by the Development Control Manager


Committee noted the report.