Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Tuesday, 12th September, 2017 2.00 pm

Public access to this meeting is available via between the hours of 6.15pm – 6.30pm via the main door of the Municipal Buildings on West Street, Boston

Venue: Committee Room, Municipal Buildings, West Street, Boston, PE21 8QR

Contact: Karen Rist, Democratic Services Officer  Phone: 01205 314226 email:

No. Item



To receive apologies for absence and notification of substitutes (if any).


Apologies were received from Councillor Aaron Spencer with Councillor Michael Brookes substituting and from Councillor Barrie Pierpoint with Councillor Richard Austin substituting.


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To sign and confirm the minutes of the last meeting.


The Chairman signed the minutes of the previous meeting with the agreement of the committee.



To receive declarations of interests in respect of any item on the agenda.


A collective standing declaration of interest is noted in respect of Lincolnshire County Councillors Alison Austin, Michael Brookes and Paul Skinner who attended and participated in all items on the agenda.


A further collective standing declaration of interest is noted in respect of Councillors David Brown, Sue Ransome, Alison Austin, Colin Brotherton, Michael Cooper, Claire Rylott and Jonathan Noble in respect of their membership of the SELLP referenced within applications tabled during the meeting.


Committee further agreed that a standing declaration of interest be recorded for all Councillors who sat as External Representatives on the various Internal Drainage Boards which were referenced within planning applications at all planning committee meetings.


Councillor Michael Cooper called in planning application B 17 0261 and advised he was a member of Bicker Parish Council and was aware of the application but had not pre determined it in anyway.


Councillor Claire Rylott declared an interest in planning application B 17 0261 in that the applicant was known to her and as such she would exempt herself from the meeting at that point in the meetings.


Councillor Jonathan Noble declared an interest in planning application B 17 0165 in that he had been contacted by Mrs Brown who resided opposite the application site, stating she had concerns about the caravans at the site; the nature of the tenants and the term of occupancy during the winter months.

Councillor Noble declared he had made no comment in respect of the application and had purely provided procedural advice in respect of determination of the application.


Councillor Yvonne Stevens declared an interest in planning application B 17 0266 in that the applicant was a member of the Mayors Charity Committee as she herself was.  She declared that no contact had taken place in respect of the planning application that would preclude her from making a decision at the committee.


Councillor David Brown declared an interest in planning application B 17 0266 in that the application was the Chairman of Wyberton Sports and Playing Fields committee as he himself was.  The committee only sat twice a year and the level of contact with the applicant did not preclude him from determining the application.   Councillor Brown further declared an interest in planning application B 17 0165 in that through the course of his employment he had cause to visit the application site in a commercial capacity on 2 – 3 occasions within a year.  He confirmed he had held no discussion with the applicant and noted that the static caravans were not connected to, nor impacted on, his employers’ contract:  as such he felt there was no potential conflict and that he could determine the application without prejudice.


Councillor Richard Austin declared an interest in planning application B 17 0165 in that the applicant was known to him but not sufficiently well enough to influence any debate.


Councillor Colin Brotherton declared that the objector to planning application B 17 0165 was known to him as a distant relative by marriage but  ...  view the full minutes text for item 60.



To answer any written questions received from members of the public no later than 5 p.m. two clear working days prior to the meeting.


No public questions were tabled.



Erection of a roadside service area including a truck stop with associated parking, petrol filling station and sales kiosk, coffee shop and freestanding McDonalds drive-thru restaurant.


Land off Station Road at the A16/A17 Sutterton Roundabout.


Lindum Group Ltd

Additional documents:


Application withdrawn from the agenda by the Development Control Manager prior to the meeting.


It is recorded that Councillor Claire Rylott absented from the meeting at this point in the proceedings.



Outline application for the erection of 3no. detached houses and garages with consideration given to access and layout only (resubmission of previously withdrawn application B 16 0266)


Land adjacent to the Olde Red Lion   Donington Road   Bicker   PE20 3EF


Mrs Andrea Thorlby

Additional documents:


Outline application for the erection of 3no. detached houses and garages with consideration given to access and layout only (resubmission of previously withdrawn application B/16/0266)         


Land adjacent to Ye Olde Red Lion, Donington Road, Bicker, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE20 3EF


Mrs Andrea Thorlby


The Senior Planning Officer presented the report and advised 2 updates to the report tabled.   There had been a change in the description of the application with the removal of ‘Layout and Access’ and therefore all matters were now reserved. The second reason for refusal would need to be amended slightly to reflect this.


The Council’s Consultant Architect had responded and the Officer quoted as follows from the response “ that unless there is an approved planning policy for new houses in this village to fulfil a required quota my view is that the application should be refused as it will change the setting of the listed public house and of this part ofthe village generally, where the houses are modest in both form and scale, allowing the Red Lion Inn to be the most prominnent and dominent building here”.


Representation was received in objection to the application which included:


Members were advised that until recent years the site had been well kept arable land which had proved an excellent back drop to the Red Lion Inn.  However, over recent years despite offers to maintain the site and keep it tidy, refusal of the offer appears to have resulted in an application which suggests the remedy to the overgrown plot is to put 3 houses on it.


The application site lay adjacent to Red Lion Inn which traced its history back to 1665 and byyond and members were asked to recognise that it was a grade 2 bulding which was of significnat historical interest and regarded as the gateway to the village.    Referncing the proposed 3 new houses the objector stated they would seriously affect the character of the area and would impact on the setting of the Red Lion Inn:  furthermore the site which was in close proximity to the boudary of the conseervation area contributed significantly to the charater of the area and should be left as an open space.


Committee were reminded that planning permission had been refused in 2004 for erection of one bungalow on the site because of its proximity to The Red Lion and the affect on the setting and that the site itself lay outside the village envelope. 


Further concerns raised noted the lack of community facilities in Bicker which although supported an early years and primary school, it was a fee paying school:  the nearest school was 2 miles away.  Members were advised that the village store and post office was up for sale and that public transport was minimal with residents reliant on their own vehicles for access to health and shopping facilities.


The Red Lion Inn was located on a blind bend and additional traffic from the site would compound existing problems on that stretch of road with  ...  view the full minutes text for item 63.



Outline application for residential development consisting of up to 6 dwellings including access with matters relating to layout, scale, appearance and landscaping reserved for later approval.


Land off Carmel Green  Park Road  Boston  PE21 7JR


Sally Parker

Additional documents:


Outline application for residential development consisting of up to 6

Dwellings including access with matters relating to layout, scale, appearance

and landscaping reserved for later approval        


Land off Carmel Green, Park Road, Boston, PE21 7JR


Sally Parker


The Senior Planning Officer presented the report and advised one update to the report tabled in that a paragraph was missing from the main report in respect of the impact on residential amenity but was included within 7.1 of the report and would be addressed during the presentation.


Representation was received in objection tothe application which included:


A major concern noted the loss of the existing old Oak tree which had been on the site for years and would need to be felled to permit entry to the proposed site. 


The objector stated that he had initially be told when he moved to the area that there was a TPO on the Oak tree and only found out recently that there was not one.  Members were asked to consider an alternatve access to the site to allow the tree to be preserved.


Futher concerns noted the road and pavement widths within Carmel Green; the additional traffic problems which would arise including problems accessing onto Park Road which was already subject to traffic claming measures and very difficult to access onto during busy periods.  Ongoing developments already agreed by the Council were referenced which would also exacerbate existing traffic and pedestrian safety issues within the area and the objector concluded by saying that majority of buildings within the area were bungalows and the proposed housing would be out of keeping with the existing buildings.


It is noted that Councillor Yvonne Stevens left the meeting for a period of time within the deliberation of this item and as such absented from voting on this item.  Councillor Stevens did return to the committee and participated in remaining items on the agenda.


It was moved by Councillor Paul Skinner and seconded by Councillor Jonathan Noble that committee be minded to approve the application in line with officer recommendation and subject to the conditions and reasons therein:


Vote:     In Favour    11                  Against  1                Abstention 0


RESOLVED:   That the Planning Committee resolve that they are Minded to Approve this application subject to conditions and:


a)      any permission is not released until the applicant has entered into a section 106 planning obligation with the Council relating to a financial contribution for enhancements to sports provision and improvements at Garfit’s Lane of up to £18,000 (i.e. £3000 per dwelling)


b)      authority is delegated to the Development Control Manager to approve this application upon satisfactory completion of the planning obligation. If the obligation is not concluded within six months of instructions, the application will be returned to Committee.


c)      no decision is released until the applicant has carried out satisfactory trial trenching to identify the archaeological implications of this development. Authority is delegated to the  Development Control Manager to impose any reasonable additional conditions that may result from these archaeological investigations as  ...  view the full minutes text for item 64.



Proposed Rear Extensions


The Plantation   Rowdyke Road   Wyberton   Boston   PE21 7AQ


Mr E Jenkins

Additional documents:


Proposed Rear Extension


The Plantation, Rowdyke Road, Wyberton, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 7AQ


Mr E Jenkins  



The Development Control Manager presented the report and confirmed there were no updates to the report.


Committee received no external representation in respect of this application.


It was moved by Councillor Jonathan Noble seconded by Councillor Alison Austin that committee grant the application in line with officer recommendation and subject to the conditions and reasons therein:


Vote:     In Favour    13                  Against  0                Abstention 0


RESOLVED:   That the Planning Committee grant the application as per officer recommendation and subject to the following conditions and reasons:


  1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. 

    Reason:           Required to be imposed pursuant to Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


  1. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


§   Location Plan received 10 July 2017 (1/4)

§   Proposed extension to dwelling house drawing 003 received 10 July 2017 (2/4)

§   Proposed extension to dwelling house drawing 004 received 26 July 2017 (3/4)

§   Proposed extension to dwelling house drawing 002 received 10 July 2017 (4/4)


Reason:           To ensure the development is undertaken in accordance with the approved details and to accord with Adopted Local Plan Policy G1.


  1. The colour, type and texture of the finish to the external walls and roofs of the proposed extension shall match that of the existing dwelling.


Reason:          To ensure that the new work matches the existing in the interests of visual amenity and to accord with Adopted Local Plan Policy G1.




Proposed retention of four static caravans and associated infrastructure for seasonal agricultural workers.


Mastins Farm   Willoughby Hills Road   Fishtoft   Boston PE22 0RQ

Additional documents:


Proposed retention of 4 No. static caravans and associated infrastructure for seasonal agricultural workers


Mastins Farm, Willoughby Hills Road, Fishtoft, Boston, Lincolnshire,

PE22 0RQ


Mr David Leggate


The Senior Planning Officer presented the report and confirmed there were no updates to the report.


Representation was received by the agent which included:


Committee were asked to accept the apologies of the applicant for the submission of the retrospective application.  The agent confirmed that an excellent landscaping proposal had been agreed in consultaiton with Alan Watts and he felt the officers report was very balanced and highlighted all the issues very clearly.


Members were advised that the applicant had received permission for a further agricultural store on site and the proposed caravans would be seen with that as their backdrop:  the caravans would not be seen in isolation or as being harmful to the countyside.  Workers would be harvesting brussel sprouts for the Christmas market and would leave on the 23rd December and not return until the 1st April the following year. Highways had no objections, mounding and mature hedgerow recently planted would minimise any impact on the appearance and character of the area and the site could not be seen from the objectors residence.

Drainage systems were satisfactory and members were advised that whilst the applicant had no intention of extending the provision of caravans at the current time, should that change they recognised it would be a matter for the planning committee should any application for more vans be submitted.

Reassurance has been provided to the Enviornment Agency that there would be no children on the site; the workers would solely be cropping for the xmas market and that a comprehensive flood risk and warnings plan has been produced to allow assembly areas and access to safe alternative accommodation.  A guarantee had been provided that the caravans would remian unoccupied between the 23 December and the 1 April.


It was moved by Councillor Alison Austin seconded by Councillor Paul Skinner that committee grant the application in line with officer recommendation and subject to the conditions and reasons therein:


Vote:     In Favour    13                  Against  0                Abstention 0


RESOLVED:   That the Planning Committee grant the application as per officer recommendation and subject to the following conditions and reasons


1.         The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in strict accordance with the application received 5 May 2017 and in accordance with the associated plans referenced:


§   Ref: 16-2344-P-01 ‘Location Plan’ (1/2)

§   Ref: 16-2344-P-02 ‘Site Plan’ (2/2)


Reason:          To ensure the development is undertaken in accordance with the approved details, in the interest of residential amenity and to comply with saved Policy G1 of the Adopted Plan.


2.         All landscaping works as shown on drawing ref: 16-2344-P-02 shall be carried out within 6 months from the date of this consent. Any trees or plants which within a period of 5 years from the date of planting die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 66.



A report by the Development Control Manager


Sharul   Frampton Lane   Hubberts Bridge   Boston

Additional documents:


Committee received and noted the report presented by the Development Control Manager.

On being questioned by a member about the use of vinyl shop signs and stickers the Development Control Manager advised he would provided  a more detailed response to all members after the meeting to explain the advertising regulations in greater detail.




The Delegated Decision List for the period 25th July 2017 to 24 August 2017


Members noted the delegated decision list.