Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room - Municipal Buildings, West Street, Boston, PE21 8QR. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence and notification of substitutes (if any). Minutes: Apologies for absence were tabled by Councillor Lina Savickiene with Councillor Jyothi Arayambath substituting and by Councillor Sarah Sharpe with Councillor Helen Staples substituting. |
To sign and confirm the minutes of the last meeting. Minutes: With the agreement of the committee the Chairman signed the minute of the previous meeting. |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of interests in respect of any item on the agenda. Minutes: Standing declarations of interest are tabled for Members of the Planning Committee who are also:
Members of Lincolnshire County Council: Councillor Alison Austin
Members of the South East Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee: Councillors: Peter Bedford and David Middleton.
Representatives of the Drainage Boards: Councillors Peter Bedford, David Middleton, Chris Mountain, Claire Rylott, David Scoot, and Suzanne Welberry
No individual declarations of interest were tabled. |
Public Questions To answer any written questions received from members of the public no later than 5 p.m. two clear working days prior to the meeting – for this meeting the deadline is 5 p.m. on Thursday 25th July 2024. Minutes: No public questions were tabled |
PLANNING APPLICATION B 24 0115 Erection of 4no. two storey dwellings in accordance with amended plans received by the LPA on 31 May 2024 to vary the site boundary to allow for a future pedestrian and cycle path on the east side of the site.
Land off Wash Road, Kirton, Boston PE20 1QJ
Seagate Homes Additional documents: Minutes: Erection of 4no. two storey dwellings in accordance with amended plans received by the LPA on 31 May 2024 to vary the site boundary to allow for a future pedestrian and cycle path on the east side of the site.
Land off Wash Road, Kirton, Boston PE20 1QJ.
Seagate Homes
The Senior Planning Officer presented the application and confirmed it had been called in by the Ward Member Councillor Ralph Pryke to allow a public discussion of planning considerations including highways and local road congestion, access arrangements, layout, and overdevelopment of the site. The site consisted of 0.18 hectares of land immediately to the north of Wash Road c.60 metres east of its junction with the A16. A single storey building housing the New Life Church lay to the west with a commercial building to the east. On the south side of Wash Road was a car dealership which itself formed a part of the Kirton Distribution Park, a commercial/industrial park extending some 700m southwards and 350m to the east. The main access to the park, Avalon Road, joined Wash Road c.60 metres east of the present application site. The site was formerly occupied by a dwelling which was now demolished. The front and side boundaries included hedging and some trees. To the north was an area of land extending some 230 metres to Station Road on which planning permission had been granted for housing. The topography was flat. Some old mapping had indicated a small land drain which ran along the eastern boundary, but it was not evident on the ground. There were some protected trees on the land to the north, but those were not affected by the application. The proposal was for the erection of 4 no. detached two storey houses with access to Wash Road. Committee were advised of the relevant planning history on the site. Planning application B/15/0503 for the demolition of an existing dwelling fronting Wash Lane and an outline application for up to 30 dwellings with consideration given to access off Station Road only (all other matters reserved for later consideration). This had been refused on 03/03/2016 but allowed on appeal on 28/03/2017. Planning Application B/19/0317 had been granted full planning permission for the erection of 31 no. dwellings following the demolition of an existing dwelling. The land included the present application site plus the area to the north stretching to Station Road. The final planning application was B/19/0317/CD1 which discharged Condition 16 of the above application regarding a construction management plan.
Public representation was received the Mr Michael Brathwaite the agent for the applicant which included:
Members were reminded that the site under consideration was part of a larger area which already benefitted from part implemented planning consent for 31 dwellings. Extant planning permission would deliver 8 dwellings in the same area, however unlike the application under consideration, access to those 8 dwellings would be via Station Road to the north of the site. In the event the application be approved, then ... view the full minutes text for item 188. |
PLANNING APPLICATION B 24 0087 Approval of reserved matters (Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) following outline approval B/23/0172 (extension to existing business including the erection of a storage building, new vehicular access and associated parking areas)
Reed Point, Spalding Road, Sutterton, Boston, PE20 2EP
Mr Richard King, Envirotyre UK Ltd Additional documents: Minutes: Approval of reserved matters (Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale) following outline approval B/23/0172 (extension to existing business including the erection of a storage building, new vehicular access, and associated parking areas)
Reed Point, Spalding Road, Sutterton, Boston, PE20 2EP
Mr Richard King, Envirotyre UK Ltd
The Senior Planning Officer presented the report and advised committee of two updates to the report tabled, both requested by Lincolnshire County Council Highways. The first being an additional condition in relation to maintain the height of the boundary treatment and a second additional condition for the installation of a 2-metre-wide footway to connect the sites. Members were advised that the application had been called-in by Councillor James Cantwellwho had cited concerns in respect of significant visual impact contrary to Policy 2 points 1, 4, 7 and Policy 3 point1. Further concerns cited also included a lack of suitable parking and turning space. Drainage of the site being of paramount importance due to flooding in the vicinity and finally assessment against policies 2,3, and 4 of the Local Plan. The site was a small field located outside the village of Sutterton, close to the A17. The site was a triangular piece of grassland, wider to the north, with a vehicular access and a small area of hardstanding towards the south of the site. The land was within flood zone 3 and was primarily within the Danger for Some hazard area with some small pockets of Danger for Most to the south of the site. To the north of the site was primarily open agricultural land, with a ribbon of dwellings along Mill Lane extending north away from the northeast corner of the site and a cluster of 5 dwellings on Reed Point, which was a private access opposite Mill Lane. To the west was a site owned by Anglian Water. Along the east of Spalding Road were a pair of commercial sites, including Envirotyre to the southeast, accompanied by individual dwellings in conjunction with those uses. The site’s last lawful use is agricultural but there has been some intermittent storage of vehicles in connection with the Envirotyre site. The proposal sought reserved matters approval for the access, appearance, layout, landscaping, and scale in connection with the erection of a storage building, granted outline planning permission under reference B/23/0172. The proposed building would be approximately 6.75m to the ridge and 4.75m to the eaves, and it would be 45m x 60m, giving an internal floor area of 2672m2. The proposal includes tree planting along the boundary with Spalding Road with a group of trees in the north east corner by the existing dwelling and at the southernmost point of the site, it also includes a new hedgerow along the northern boundary and along Spalding Road. Two additional plans had been submitted following consultation responses from the highway authority showing a swept path analysis for HGV’s entering, leaving and manoeuvring within the site and a plan detailing the level of parking provided on the site. ... view the full minutes text for item 189. |