Agenda item


Installation of underground high voltage Direct Current cables for the Viking Link

Interconnector project between proposed landfall at Boygrift in East Lindsey to a

proposed converter station at North Ing Drove in South Holland; installation of

underground alternating current cables from the converter station to the existing

Bicker Fen 400 kV NGET Substation; as well as permanent access road to

converter station, temporary facilities required during construction such as

compounds and works areas are included within Boston Borough. (This

application is for Environmental Impact Assessment development by virtue of the

Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulation



Land off Vicarage Drove, Bicker Fen, Boston, PE20 3BN


Ms Liz Wells, National Grid Viking Link Limited



Installation of underground high voltage Direct Current cables for the Viking Link Interconnector project between proposed landfall at Boygrift in East Lindsey to a proposed converter station at North Ing Drove in South Holland; installation of underground alternating current cables from the converter station to the existing Bicker Fen 400 kV NGET Substation; as well as permanent access road to converter station, temporary facilities required during construction such as compounds and works areas are included within Boston Borough. (This application is for Environmental Impact Assessment development by virtue of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulation 2017


Land off Vicarage Drove, Bicker Fen, Boston, PE20 3BN


Ms Liz Wells, National Grid Viking Link Limited


The Development Manager reminded committee that it had previously considered consultation responses in respect of East Lindsey District Council, South Holland District Council and North Kesteven District Council in respect of the proposal.  Committee had at that time, resolved not to raise any objection.

Members were further reminded that under Article 31 of the Town and Country Planning Order 2015, the Secretary of State had directed that the Council could not grant planning permission on the application without specific authorisation.  The Direction had been issued to enable him to consider whether he should direct under Section 77 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 that the application should be referred to him for determination.  As such committee could make a decision in principle.


No updates to the report tabled were advised however committee were referred to point 6.8 of the report and asked to strike the final paragraph in italics requiring a condition for the delay of the issuing of any consent.




Representation was received by the Ms Wells on behalf of the applicant which included:


Ms Wells thanked members for their engagement from conception of the application through to the final scheme.  Viking link had valued officer and member input over the course of the last few years alongside feedback from the local community and key stakeholders.  28 public events had been held across a multitude of consultation streams.  Members were asked to recall that the previous presentation focused on the fact that the UK faced substantial energy challenges and reminded that the scheme presented would play a vital role in helping to resolve that challenge by linking electricity system in Great Britain and Denmark.  The interconnector would provide both import and export capability which would improve diversity and a security of supply to help mitigate shortages within the electricity network during high demand:  it would also assist in lowering the cost of electricity through cross border trade.  Furthermore by supporting renewable energy, it would help the UK to meet carbon reduction commitments. 

Providing update information committee were advised that planning applications in Denmark had approved and respected marine licenses and their process was being determined in UK, Netherlands, German and Danish waters.   Members of South Holland District Council unanimously resolved to approve their respective application on the 7 February 2018 and both East Lindsey and North Kesteven District Councils were looking to target committee dates in May 2018.

Concluding members were advised that Viking link was conscious of the concerns expressed in respect of construction traffic, cable depth and drainage, associated with the project in Boston.  Multiple consultation events had been held on those topics and members were advised construction traffic for alternating current cables from the converged station to the sub-station and the Viking Link works at Bicker Fen sub-station would be taken from the A52, from a dedicated access road, to the convertor station.   The construction of the Hammond Beck crossing as part of the development of this access road would result in a small level of traffic utilising the immediate highway network for a short period. 



It was moved by Councillor James Edwards and seconded by Councillor Paul Skinner that committee were minded to approve the application subject to those conditions listed within the report, subject to allowing officers under delegated authority to revisit condition wording, in conjunction with the other 3 Local Planning Authorities once the outcomes of the applications submitted to North Kesteven DC, East Lindsey DC and South Holland are known, and that the Direction of the Secretary of State and the holding objections of the Environment Agency are lifted.


Vote:    In Favour:   11.        Against:    0.      Abstentions:    0.


RESOLVED:     That the committee were minded to approve the application subject to those conditions listed within the report, subject to allowing officers under delegated authority to revisit condition wording, in conjunction with the other 3 Local Planning Authorities once the outcomes of the applications submitted to North Kesteven DC, East Lindsey DC and South Holland are known, and subject to the Direction of the Secretary of State and the holding objections of the Environment Agency being lifted.


Supporting documents: