Decision details

Public Speaking Policy at Planning Committee

Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Planning and Strategic Infrastructure

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To approve the recently reviewed Public Speaking Scheme for the Planning Committee

Reasons for the decision:

The Government, through its Planning Reforms, is looking at the way Planning Committee’s operate nationally.

In this context, and given the period of time that has elapsed since it was last reviewed, the Planning Committee Chairman, Portfolio Holder for Planning and the Assistant Director for Planning have reviewed the Public Speaking Scheme for the Planning Committee. This review included input from Democratic Services and Legal Services.

The guiding principle in making the alterations (please see attached updated scheme) is to ensure that the decisions taken by the Committee are robust and defendable, with risk of challenge minimised.

Alterations are made to reduce the time available to speakers to ensure that the points that are made are clear, concise and material to the case.

Alterations to the questions to speakers is not fundamental, more reiterating and clarifying the existing position. It is key that questions to the public speakers are for clarification on the points made, rather than debate or cross-examination.

Alternative options considered:

Not to amend the scheme.

Publication date: 14/01/2025

Date of decision: 02/01/2025

Accompanying Documents: