Decision details
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To Provide an Overview of the First Year of the South and East Lincolnshire Community Lottery Scheme.
1. That the progress of the South and East Lincolnshire Councils Community Lottery scheme is noted and that Members support its continuation.
2. That the changes to the ‘minimum age limits’ to participate in the community lottery scheme are noted.
3. That the central fund income is used to support civic community pride events designed to celebrate and promote voluntary and community sector activity, including the act of volunteering within the borough of Boston and the East Lindsey and South Holland Districts.
4. Members note details of a data security incident on 8th November 2023.
Reasons for the decision:
To continue to raise funds for local voluntary and community groups across South and East Lincolnshire via the South and East Lincolnshire Community Lottery Scheme.
To promote and encourage voluntary and community sector activity within the borough of Boston and East Lindsey and South Holland Districts.
Alternative options considered:
Draw the current scheme to a close (not recommended) and seek alternative fund raising activities.
Report author: Nichola Holderness
Publication date: 21/02/2024
Date of decision: 21/02/2024
Decided at meeting: 21/02/2024 - Cabinet
Accompanying Documents:
- Covering Report - South & East Lincolnshire Councils Community Lottery - 1 year progress
PDF 283 KB
- Appendix A - Community Lottery Winner Breakdown
PDF 133 KB
- Appendix B - Full Breakdown of good causes by area
PDF 437 KB
- Appendix C - Case Study - The Meadows Day Centre
PDF 472 KB
- Appendix D - Case Study - Boston Community Tennis Partnership
PDF 596 KB
- Appendix E - Case Study - Woodhall Spa Cricket Club
PDF 964 KB
- Appendix F - Email data secrutiy incident Gatherwell
PDF 100 KB