Issue - meetings

Council/PSPS service modernisation programme

Meeting: 14/11/2024 - Overview & Scrutiny - Corporate & Community Committee (Item 119)

119 Council/PSPS Transformation and Service Modernisation programme pdf icon PDF 121 KB

A report by the Assistant Director – Corporate.

Additional documents:


The Portfolio Holder presented the opening section for this item and confirmed that PSPS had been providing services to Boston Borough Council since 2021.  The Transformation and Modernisation Plan was the first three-way Council Transformation Plan designed to provide support in modernising the Councils service delivery.  It set out a number of ambitious projects for the Councils’ split by the themes of customers and residents, looking at modernisation and efficiency and organisational development.

The range of projects included out of hours digital telephony solutions, leveraging automation and advancement in technology, through to a commitment to the use of plain language.  Extensive partnership engagement had taken place throughout with stakeholders, with officers and with member briefings.

PSPS were seeking a total investment of £5,039.238,00 which they say would return savings of £9,613.221.00.  The investment for Boston Borough Council would be £1,209,417,00 but returning a saving of £2,307,173,04.

Each project would subject to its own business case and approval process and also have its own multi-stakeholder board.


At this point in the meeting the committee agreed to move into exempt measures to receive the appendix on the report.