Issue - meetings
Review of the Boston Town Centre Strategy and Action Plan 2023-2027
Meeting: 12/12/2024 - Cabinet (Item 54)
54 Boston Town Centre Strategy and Action Plan 2023-2027 Annual Review 2024 (Year One) PDF 229 KB
(A report by John Leach, Deputy Chief Executive – Communities)
Additional documents:
Councillor Dale Broughton presented the Boston Town Centre Strategy and Action Plan 2023-2027 Annual Review 2024 (Year One) report that provided to Cabinet the first annual review of the Boston Town Centre Strategy and Action Plan covering the period 2023-2027. The report included a vision and seven strategic objectives along with over seventy actions that covered the themes of
· Clean and Safe;
· Open for Business;
· Culture, Heritage and Events; and
· Transformation.
The Strategy and Action Plan provided feedback on progress against the Strategy and its associated action plan to date, showing 24 actions completed, 47 on target and 3 ongoing.
Members discussed the report and commented as follows:
· Members praised the project, congratulated the officers and councillors involved and thanked the residents for supporting the project and believing in the administration.
· Members noted the renovations that had been brought to the Town Centre.
· The ongoing works on making Boston dementia friendly was noted.
· It was emphasised that Boston should be more accessible for disabled residents. Members were encouraged to continue lobbying the County Council. Additionally, it was noted that Council representatives were continuing to meet with the Disability Forum to seek improvements within the area.
· Cabinet asked those members of the public who were satisfied with the work underway in the town (through the Town Centre Strategy) to communicate their support in order to help boost the town’s image.
The recommendations were moved by Councillor Dale Broughton and seconded by Councillor John Baxter.
1. That the report and its associated appendix (Appendix 1), against the commitments made in the Boston Town Centre Strategy and Action Plan 2023-2027 entitled “A Town Centre for Everyone” be noted;
2. That the continuation of the work, as set out in Appendix 1, be confirmed; and
That the new actions, as provided at Section 6.4 points a-d within the report, be incorporated into the Boston Town Centre Strategy and Action Plan 2023-2027.
Meeting: 28/11/2024 - Boston Town Area Committee (BTAC) (Item 37)
37 Boston Town Centre Strategy and Action Plan 2023-2027 Annual Review 2024 (Year One) PDF 270 KB
(A report by the Deputy Chief Executive – Communities)
Additional documents:
The Portfolio Holder presented the report for the Boston Town Area Committee the first annual review of the Boston Town Centre Strategy and Action Plan covering the period 2023-2027. The Strategy and Action Plan provided a vision and seven strategic objectives along with over seventy actions that covered the themes of 1) Clean and Safe, 2) Open for Business 3) Culture, Heritage and Events and 4) Transformation. The Strategy and Action Plan had been approved by Boston Borough Council’s Cabinet on 25th October 2023. The report provided feedback on progress against the Strategy and its associated action plan to date.
Members comments included the following:
The Chairman congratulated the Portfolio Holder, the Deputy Chief Executive - Communities and the Administration for the outstanding work carried out within the report.
Considering the previous Administrations’ work, Councillor Gleeson praised the work done and highlighted the predisposition of the current Administration in ensuring they make the best of the town. Additionally, he suggested to bring more involvement from local groups in running events in order to ensure future continuity.
The Portfolio Holder advised that the Council was working with external partners with hopes to bring more to the town for the next year which may ease up the financial burdens of event implementation.
Councillor Dani highlighted the cleanliness and safeness of Boston and praised the strategy brought before the committee. He identified the events as bridges to create integration. Additionally, he invited the member of the public to a discussion at one of the community groups in town.
Councillor Woodliffe supported the report but shared concerns from local newspaper critics showcasing divided opinions on the purpose of the marketplace in Boston becoming more of a socialising place rather than the commercial centrepiece.
Taking previous years into consideration, the Portfolio Holder advised that extra work had been carried out to maximise the Christmas market area which had been extended to the town centre surroundings alongside the marketplace for traders. Additionally, it was highlighted that the Council had seen an enormous interest from vendors to participate in this years’ Christmas event. The Portfolio Holder emphasised the importance of recognising the quality of work that the administration was bringing in by promoting the towns best attributes.
The Chairman praised the exceptional job done. Calls for positive comments and local unity in recognising these efforts were made in order to avoid damaging the town.
Councillor Woodliffe advised that while the Council was doing a great job, critical views and diversity of opinions had to be considered.
Councillor Gilbert noticed an improvement in the Boston Town Centre and praised the achievements by the Administration. Additionally, issues were raised in regard to wheelie bins on pavements becoming a safety hazard and whether a solution could be found to address this. A second concern was raised around the potential liability regarding the safety obligation by the Council regarding the Central Park skate park equipment used by children which was lacking safety gear. An observation was made about whether bird ... view the full minutes text for item 37
Meeting: 14/11/2024 - Overview & Scrutiny - Corporate & Community Committee (Item 114)
114 Review of the Boston Town Centre Strategy PDF 270 KB
A report by the Joint Deputy Chief Executive – Communities.
Additional documents:
The Portfolio Holder Councillor Dale Broughton presented the report, supported by the Deputy Chief Executive for Communities advising members that the report afforded committee with the first annual review of the Boston Town Centre Strategy and Action Plan covering the period 2023-2027. The Strategy and Action Plan provided a vision and seven strategic objectives along with over seventy actions that cover the themes of 1) Clean and Safe, 2) Open for Business 3) Culture, Heritage, and Events and 4) Transformation. The Strategy and Action Plan had been approved by Boston Borough Council’s Cabinet on 25th October 2023. The report provided feedback on progress against the Strategy and its associated action plan to date. In summary 24 actions have been completed, 47 are on target and 3 required further attention.
The first year of the plan has seen delivery of a host of activities/initiatives including: -
§ A deep clean of the marketplace had taken place on 27th February 2024 to 2nd March 2024.
§ A four-day Christmas Festival and Illuminate Parade.
§ A Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy was approved and adopted by full council on 15th July 2024.
§ Enhanced floral displays had been provided in partnership with North Sea Camp Prison.
§ A volunteer co-ordinator post had been introduced to support volunteering.
§ A Changing Places toilet had been installed in Central Park.
§ A joint operation with the police and the Council called Operation Plotting continued which focused on addressing anti-social behaviour, street-based violence, and serious harm. This work had been enhanced through the introduction of Community Rangers.
§ The production of town centre specific promotional material.
§ The production of a Market Development Plan that was agreed by Boston Borough Council’s Cabinet.
§ A Public Space Protection Order regarding feeding wild birds in designated areas in the town center (which was a new action in the Strategy/Action Plan) has been agreed at Cabinet.
§ A Street Art Policy had been produced and agreed by Boston Borough Council’s Cabinet.
§ A Business Development Plan for the Guildhall in Boston had been developed and agreed at Boston Borough Council’s Cabinet.
§ A business forum had been established for the town.
§ The installation of twenty-six new car park ticket machines.
§ Additional significant events that had happened in the town centre such as the Foodfest and Boston’s Strongest event on 14th July 2024, boosting community cohesion and enhancing trade.
Boston Town Centre remained a key economic and social hub for the
borough of Boston. Importantly it was a sub-regional retail centre, second in the county to Lincoln that provided retail employment and a variety of visitor attractions. Boston’s town centre has like many places suffered in recent times due to a number of factors. However, as a town centre Boston had a lot to offer and the Town Centre Strategy and Action Plan that had been adopted in 2023 was a key strategic document that has been developed to help tackle, ... view the full minutes text for item 114