Issue - meetings

Update for Community Lottery

Meeting: 21/02/2024 - Cabinet (Item 136)


(A report of Emily Spicer, Assistant Director – Wellbeing and Community Leadership)


Portfolio Holder: Councillor Emma Cresswell

Additional documents:


The Portfolio Holder – Communities (People) presented the South & East Councils Partnership Community Lottery – 1 Year Progress. The Lottery had been in operation for just over a year. At the time of the scheme being created it was agreed that yearly updates would be provided to enable the Cabinet to review its progress and activity.


The Lottery supported local good causes, community groups and clubs to raise funds through the sale of tickets. In Boston there were 19 good causes that were part of the scheme.


The Cabinet were made aware that a change in the Gambling Act 2005 now meant that a lottery ticket cannot be purchased under the age of 18 years old. 


On 1st December 2023, Gatherwell Ltd were informed by London & Zurich (L&Z), a third party organisation appointed to handle direct debit collections, that a data breach had occurred. The breach impacted customers that had signed up for direct debit services on or before 8th November 2023. The Assistant Director - Wellbeing and Community Leadership confirmed that the breach had not deterred people from using the lottery. The Deputy Chief Executive – Communities confirmed that the Information Commissioners Office had closed the case.


A new targeted communications strategy was being made in order to attract more users of the Lottery, this included; advertising the lottery on Bin Lorries, and engaging with Parish liaison meetings to reach a wider range of people. It was suggested that the Lottery be promoted on both the local radio and a market stall.


The percentages of how each pound would be spent was set by Gatherwell Ltd, in consultation with the Council, based on standard percentages across other Councils.


The £20 maximum was introduced to prevent Gambling addictions being formed.




  1. That the progress of the South and East Lincolnshire Councils Community Lottery scheme be noted and that continuation of the scheme be suppoted;


  1. That changes to the ‘minimum age limits’ to participate in the community lottery scheme be noted;


  1. That central fund income be used to support civic community pride events designed to celebrate and promote voluntary and community sector activity, including the act of volunteering within the borough of Boston and the East Lindsey and South Holland Districts; and


  1. That the details of the data security incident on 8th November 2023 be noted.