Cabinet recommends to Council:-
(1) To agree to enter
into a Strategic Alliance for the purposes set out in Section
[1.12] of this report, effective from 1st July 2020, for
the purposes and under the terms described in this report and set
out more particularly in the draft Memorandum of Agreement attached
to it.
(2) That the
Strategic Alliance will be supported by a single merged workforce.
This will be overseen and implemented by the Joint Chief
Executive/Head of Paid Service.
(3) That the savings of
£15.4m (BBC £5.1M, ELDC £10.3M) identified in the
Financial Business Case are built into the Medium Term Financial
(4) That Robert Barlow
becomes Joint Chief Executive/Head of Paid Service of East Lindsey
District Council and Boston Borough Council. East Lindsey District Council shall formally
employ Mr Barlow, who shall, for the purpose of facilitating the
Strategic Alliance, be seconded to Boston Borough Council as Chief
Executive and Head of Paid Service under Section 113 of the Local
Government Act 1972, effective from 1st July
Thereafter, East Lindsey District Council will contribute 67 per
cent of the cost of Mr Barlow’s remuneration and Boston
Borough Council will contribute 33 per cent of the same.
Consultation should commence immediately.
(5) That Michelle Sacks
becomes Joint Monitoring Officer of East Lindsey District Council
and Boston Borough Council. Boston
Borough Council shall formally employ Ms Sacks, who shall, for the
purpose of facilitating the Strategic Alliance, be seconded to East
Lindsey District Council as Monitoring Officer under Section 113 of
the Local Government Act 1972, effective from 1st July
Thereafter, East Lindsey District Council will contribute 67 per
cent of the cost of Ms Sack’s remuneration and Boston Borough
Council will contribute 33 per cent of the same. Consultation
should commence immediately.
(6) That Paul Julian becomes
Joint S151 Officer of East Lindsey District Council and Boston
Borough Council. Boston Borough Council
shall formally employ Mr Julian, who shall, for the purpose of
facilitating the Strategic Alliance, be seconded to East Lindsey
District Council as S151 Officer under Section 113 of the Local
Government Act 1972, effective from 1st July
Thereafter, East Lindsey District Council will contribute 67 per
cent of the cost of Mr Julian’s remuneration and Boston
Borough Council will contribute 33 per cent of the same.
Consultation should commence immediately.
(7) That the exit costs
are charged to the reorganisation budget shown in the financial
business case. The costs of the departing Statutory Officers shall
be met by both authorities. East
Lindsey District Council will contribute 67 per cent of the cost.
Boston Borough Council will contribute 33 per cent. These exit costs will be recovered quickly from
savings achieved through the operation of the Strategic Alliance
and as modelled in the Financial Business Plan. Consultation with
both Officers should commence immediately to start redundancy