Agenda and minutes
Venue: Online Meeting - view the meeting at
Contact: Lorraine Bush, Democratic Services Manager Tel. no: 01205 314224 e-mail
No. | Item | |||
To sign and confirm the minutes of the last meeting, held on 27th January 2021. Minutes: The minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 27th January 2021 were received and would be signed by the Chairman.
APOLOGIES To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: There were no apologies for absence.
DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS To receive declarations of interests in respect of any item on the agenda. Minutes: No declarations were made.
QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC To answer any written questions received from members of the public no later than 5 p.m. two clear working days prior to the meeting – for this meeting the deadline is 5 p.m. on Friday 19th February 2021. Minutes: Question from Mr Darron Abbott:
“At the cabinet meeting in May 2020 is was agreed to by new cremators for the crematorium, these were to be delivered by the 1 August 2020. Would Councillor Noble please confirm the new cremators were delivered and are in fact working and providing the town capacity to cope with the unprecedented circumstances we find ourselves in at the moment.”
Response from Councillor Noble:
“On 20 May 2020, the Council’s Cabinet resolved to approve the purchase of a temporary replacement cremator (not cremators) and I am pleased to say that a new cremator is in situ at the crematorium and is operating at its planned capacity of up to six cremations each working day. I am further pleased to be able to advise that rather than installing a temporary cremator, we were able to install a cremator that can remain in situ permanently for its lifetime.
“Installation did not however go without its challenges and we are still working with our engineers to secure a permanent flueing solution so we can bring a further report that explains our longer term solution, including the potential addition of abatement. As agreed on 20 May 2020, Scrutiny will be able to consider the report in advance of any recommendations to the Cabinet.
“As well as serving the town and wider Borough, some 35% of the funerals that take place at the Crematorium come to us from outside our Borough; the new equipment we have does allow us to increase the number of cremations above planned capacity if required, however, I am sure everyone hopes that that will not be necessary. Meeting the needs and expectations of bereaved families is so important to us and we are committed to offering a dignified and efficient service to all who have lost loved ones.”
Supplementary question from Mr Abbott:
“At the same meeting that it was agreed to purchase the new cremators it was revealed that there we still 2 years worth of loan repayments due on the old ones also the Council were still making payments payments for a maintenance contract even though no maintenance was being carried out. Payments were being made for repairs that were not being done to a satisfactory level. The portfolio holder at the time promised a full investigation into the debacle. Could you please update us all on the progress of this investigation and when we should expect the findings of that investigation. Will you also confirm that the report will detail the amount outstanding on loan repayments along with the money wasted on the maintenance contract and poor repairs along with the details of the officers responsible?”
Response from Councillor Noble:
“Thank you for your supplementary question; there is no loan outstanding on the previous cremators. The Council ceased paying the Contractor’s invoices from December 2019 and all invoices up until the Contractor went into liquidation in March 2020 were unpaid. In total a sum of £8,269.65 was withheld. In addition ... view the full minutes text for item 138. |
RECOMMENDATIONS FROM OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY (STANDING ITEM)* Minutes: Recommendations were contained within the reports on the agenda.
CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENVIRONMENT UPDATE (A report by Sarah Baker, Climate Change & Environment Manager)
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Paul Skinner, Leader
Additional documents: Minutes:
(A report by Adrian Sibley, Section 151 Officer)
Portfolio Holder: Councillor Jonathan Noble, Finance and Commercial
Additional documents: