Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room, Municipal Buildings, West Street, Boston PE21 8QR
Contact: Lorraine Bush, Democratic Services Manager Tel. no: 01205 314224 e-mail
No. | Item |
To sign and confirm the minutes of the last meeting. Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed |
APOLOGIES To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies of absence were received from Councillors; Tracey Abbott and Paul Skinner |
DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS To receive declarations of interests in respect of any item on the agenda. Minutes: None |
QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC To answer any written questions received from members of the public no later than 5 p.m. two clear working days prior to the meeting – for this meeting the deadline is 5 p.m. on ……………….. Minutes: A question was received from Councillor Tom Ashton;
Question to the Deputy Leader: “In view of the extraordinary decision of the City of Lincoln Council to cancel its hugely successful and long established Christmas Market, as Portfolio Holder for Economic Development would you agree with me that this represents a fantastic opportunity which Boston has the chance now to seize in bringing dispossessed stallholders and potentially many thousands of visitors to our town?
To this end, would you and your Cabinet colleagues, working with our fantastic Economic Development and Growth team, do everything you can to bring the Lincoln Christmas Market to Boston in the first week of December this year as a matter of urgent priority?”
Response by Deputy Leader: “Yes is the answer. When we heard through the news that Lincoln were thinking of doing that, I did speak to Lydia in particular, to look at what options there are if they did make that decision, we have drafted up a plan. We’ve drafted up a timetable, Lydia has worked very hard behind the scenes on this and we are having a meeting at 8.30 tomorrow morning to finalize it and then we will be announcing it by the end of the week. What we intend to be doing. So thank you very much for your question”
RECOMMENDATIONS FROM OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY (STANDING ITEM)* Minutes: Reports had been considered by the relevant scrutiny Committee and comments were included as appropriate |
BUDGET SETTING REPORT AND ASSOCIATED FINANCIAL STRATEGIES 23/24 - 2027/28 PDF 273 KB (A report by Christine Marshall, Deputy Chief Executive – Corporate Development & Section 151)
Portfolio Holder: Cllr Jonathan Noble
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Portfolio Holder – Finance presented a report which set out details of the 2023/24 General Fund Annual Budget, the 5 year Medium Term Financial Strategies (MTFS) from 2023/24 to 2027/28, Capital Programme, Capital Strategy, Treasury Management Strategy, Minimum Revenue Provision Policy and Annual Investment Strategy and Annual Delivery Plan.
The Portfolio Holder - Finance explained that the budget was being set within a background of unprecedented inflationary pressures and significant changes in resident, customer and business needs. Despite these challenges the Councils financial position meant that it would be well placed and be able take a considered approach to mitigating these exceptional challenges. In addition, the Council had been and continued to be successful in drawing in significant capital and revenue investment for the area.
The Budget had previously been through a budget consultation process with the public and Elected Members, draft budget proposals were subject to review by Audit & Governance on 30th January 2023 and Corporate & Community on 2nd February 2023. The Treasury Management Strategy was also presented to Audit and Governance Committee on 30th January and had been updated to reflect the final budget accompanying this report.
Following Members comments relating to the increase of Council Tax the Chief Executive reminded the Cabinet that the recommendations were to support the report going to Full Council, were it would be considered and debated on by all Members of the Council. The Deputy Leader explained that the Council had a legal obligation to have a balanced budget.
The Cabinet were in agreement that the work carried out by the Finance team had been phenomenal.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet approve the following recommendations for onward referral to Full Council on 6th March 2023:
DRAFT PARTNERSHIP LITTER AND FLY TIPPING ENFORCEMENT STRATEGY 2023 PDF 192 KB (A report by Christian Allen, Assistant Director – Regulatory)
Portfolio Holder: Cllr Deborah Evans Additional documents:
Minutes: The Portfolio Holder - Environmental Services presented a report which set out the proposed Draft Litter and Fly-Tipping Strategy which it was intended would be adopted by each sovereign Council in the South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership.
The Strategy set out the ambition of the Partnership to tackle and reduce litter and fly-tipping. It supported the commitment in the Partnership Annual Delivery Plan to implement a shared Enforcement contract for environmental crime, by promoting public engagement and providing transparency about enforcement.
The Portfolio Holder - Environmental Services outlined that the Strategy had already been agreed at both East Lindsey District Council and South Holland District Council’s Executive functions.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet approved the Litter and Fly-Tipping Engagement and Enforcement Strategy and Action Plan with the commitment to review and carry out consultation in six months. |
LINCOLNSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCILS HEALTH AND WELLBEING STRATEGY PDF 373 KB (A report by Emily Spicer, Assistant Director – Wellbeing and Community Leadership)
Portfolio Holder: Cllr Martin Griggs Additional documents:
Minutes: The Portfolio Holder - Housing & Communities introduced the report which outlined that Lincolnshire district councils were committed to developing an ambitious agenda for improving health and wellbeing in Lincolnshire. Tackling health inequalities through policy areas where district councils influence social determinations of health, working collaboratively across the districts and with strategic health system partners a strategy focussing on 5 key lever areas had been developed. The 5 key lever areas are; Housing & Homelessness, Activity & Wellbeing, Environment & Climate, Economic Inclusion and Working with Communities.
The Lincolnshire Districts Health and Wellbeing Strategy provided a strategic framework to further develop local delivery through the Healthy Living Action Plan to drive health outcome improvements for residents across the sub-region.
A Member of the Cabinet outlined that in the past 20 years the Council had achieved the creation of 8 new green spaces.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet agree to adopt the Lincolnshire Districts Health and Wellbeing Strategy as a document, which provided the Council with the framework for improving health and wellbeing in the South and East Lincolnshire Partnership Sub-Region, and to commit to engaging fully in both the further development of this strategy and the delivery of the action outlined. |
LOCAL AUTHORITY HOUSING FUND PDF 250 KB (A report by Matthew Hogan, Assistant Director – Strategic Growth & Development)
Portfolio Holder: Cllr Nigel Welton Minutes: The Deputy Leader introduced a report which presented Members with the Local Authority Housing Fund programme.
The Local Authority Housing Fund was a £500m national programme to support local authorities in providing accommodation to Ukrainian and Afghan families, settled in the UK legally under various government schemes following the conflict that had occurred the two countries.
Under the fund, Boston Borough Council has been invited by government to consider an offer of £691,500 to support in making eight properties available to meet the housing needs arising from this cohort. In order to take part in the scheme, the total project cost was estimated at £1.53m, therefore the project requires a council capital contribution of £838,500. As the property would generate a revenue stream for the council, the project was anticipated to be self-financing.
The programme presented the council with an opportunity to deliver a number of expected benefits, including;
The Cabinet were in agreement that the programme will be successful in providing immediate help to the Afghanistan and Ukrainian refugees currently in short term housing, and in the long term, helping residents who find themselves homeless.
That the project would be included in the Council’s proposed 2023/24 capital programme, which was due to be presented to Full Council on March 6th 2023. |
HOUSING REGULATION TASK & FINISH GROUP RECOMMENDATIONS PDF 496 KB (A report by Jonathan Challen, Safer Communities Services Manager)
Portfolio Holder: Cllr Paul Skinner, Leader Minutes: The Safer Communities Service Manager presented a report to Cabinet which outlined the Housing Regulation Task & Finish group recommendations.
Poor quality housing in the Private Rented Sector (PRS) presented risk to the health of some of the Councils most vulnerable residents. The challenge of addressing poor quality housing was a matter of concern for the Council and a number of external partners.
Improvements to housing standards could be achieved through a number of routes that require a joined up approach. This includes work to support good landlords and taking enforcement action where that is required.
Cabinet praised the Members of the Task & Finish group for their hard work.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet:
Agree to develop with The Portfolio Holder - Housing & Communities a response to the Member led Task & Finish Group’s recommendations for future consideration by Cabinet. |
NATIONAL PORTFOLIO ORGANISATION (A report by Lydia Rusling, Assistant Director – Economic Growth)
Portfolio Holder: Cllr Richard Austin Minutes: The Portfolio Holder – Heritage presented the report, which outlined; Arts Council England (ACE) had confirmed investment for the South and East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership (SELCP) from the 2023-2026 Investment Programme for National Portfolio Organisation (NPO). Funding per annum of £651,993 (total of £1,955,799 for a three year programme) would commence from April 2023 and would continue through to March 2026.
The Activity Plan for the first year – from April 2023 – had been submitted to ACE for approval. If successful, East Lindsey District Council as the accountable body for the ACE funding, would be awarded £651,993 to deliver an art and cultural programme in line with the Activity Plan.
The establishment of a Culture Board is a requirement of the funding to oversee the Programme, as identified in the Activity Plan. The Culture Board would support collaboration and exchange programmes to establish the area as a hub for regional cultural development, with an exemplar approach to the inclusion of heritage within arts and culture. Following further questions from Members the Assistant Director – Economic Growth assured Members that the membership of the Culture Board would mean that all three Councils were represented fairly.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet;