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Venue: Committee Room, Municipal Buildings, West Street, Boston PE21 8QR
Contact: Pippa Rose, Democratic Services Officer Tel. no: 01205 314228 e-mail
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies of absence were received from Councillor Sarah Sharpe |
To sign and confirm the minutes of the last meeting held on 20th September 2023. Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting held 20th September 2023, were agreed. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS To receive declarations of interests in respect of any item on the agenda. Minutes: None. |
QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC To answer any written questions received from members of the public no later than 5 p.m. two clear working days prior to the meeting – for this meeting the deadline is 5 p.m. on Friday 20th October 2023. Minutes: No questions were received |
RECOMMENDATIONS FROM OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY (STANDING ITEM)* Minutes: The Chairman of the Overview & Scrutiny - Corporate & Community Committee was in attendance at Cabinet to present comments from Members following a Joint Scrutiny meeting with the Overview & Scrutiny - Environment Performance Committee to consider the Sub-Regional Strategy for the South & East Lincolnshire Council’s Partnership.
Cabinet heard from the Chairman of the Joint Committee that significant debate took place regarding the main areas of concerns, these included; ongoing Anti-Social Behaviour, retailer’s no longer reporting theft resulting in loss of crime figures, the wording of the strategy was intended on being an outward facing document but was not written as such.
The Committee made the following recommendations to Cabinet;
“Develop a mechanism to engage the local communities to shape further service delivery” to be picked up in the Annual Delivery Plan 24/25.
RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE BOSTON TOWN AREA COMMITTEE (BTAC) (STANDING ITEM) Minutes: No recommendations were received for this meeting |
SUB-REGIONAL STRATEGY FOR THE SOUTH & EAST LINCOLNSHIRE COUNCILS PARTNERSHIP (A report by James Gilbert, Assistant Director - Governance) Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader presented the report which set out the Sub-regional strategy for the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership.
Following the formation of the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership the Business Case identified an opportunity for greater alignment and closer working on a range of strategic issues that were common across each Council within the sub-region.
As part of the Annual Delivery plan Councillors had previously approved the development of a Sub- Regional Strategy to replace the existing Corporate Strategies.
The Strategy set out the Partnership’s shared priorities over the next 5 years, these being; Growth and Prosperity, Healthy Lives, Safe and Resilient Communities, Environment, Efficiency and Effectiveness. Along with Boston’s local priorities; promoting arts, culture, heritage and tourism, improving infrastructure, managing budgets and assets, and community safety.
Following extensive discussion from Members, with agreement from the Chairman of the Joint Scrutiny Committee, Cabinet agreed to amend the wording to the report as follows;
As part of debate the Leader also confirmed that last year the Council had received funding to increase CCTV infrastructure as part of the Safer Streets initiative. It was also confirmed that this strategy would be a ‘live’ documents and would be regularly reviewed.
That Cabinet recommends to Council that the Sub-regional Strategy becomes a line of inquiry in the Partnership’s Annual Strategy. |
PROCUREMENT STRATEGY 2023-2026 (A report by Martin Gibbs, Head of Procurement & Contracts PSPS) Additional documents: Minutes: The Portfolio Holder – Finance outlined the Procurement Strategy 2023 to 2026 report. The Strategy provided commitments to be delivered over the course of the proposed 3-year period.
The Annual Delivery Plan 2023/24, which was approved by Full Council in March 2023, included a specific action to bring forward a Procurement Strategy for adoption following the recognition that significant savings could be achieved across the South & East Lincolnshire Partnership.
During discussion the Head of Procurements & Contracts, PSPS confirmed that;
Comments from the Overview & Scrutiny – Corporate & Community Committee were included in the report which included; a request for a change in terminology – removing the term “preferred provider” to clarify that the Council would not be giving any supplier preferential treatments, and a request to remove the reference to Social Value Portal as other suppliers were in the market. Both of these comments has been noted and the report amended before coming to Cabinet.
That Cabinet notes the feedback from Overview & Scrutiny Corporate & Community Committee. |
BOSTON TOWN CENTRE STRATEGY & ACTION PLAN (A report by John Leach, Deputy Chief Executive – Communities) Additional documents:
Minutes: The Deputy Leader presented the report which provided Cabinet with the Boston Town Centre Strategy and Action Plan covering the period 2023-2027. It was stressed that this document was a ‘live’ working document.
The Strategy contained seven strategic objectives along with seventy three actions that cover the themes of; clean and safe, open for business, culture, heritage and events and transformation. It was expected that the action number would rise as Cabinet continue to strive forward to improve the Borough.
Cabinet thanked the Deputy Chief Executive (Communities) for his enduring hard work and support that enabled this Strategy and Action Plan to be considered by Committees two months earlier than initially planned.
Be amended to read:-
· “A new public realm between the river and the Len Medlock Centre. This area will include green spaces, improved pedestrian routes, artwork, and other features to create an inviting, safe, accessible and enjoyable place for all.”