Agenda and draft minutes

Overview & Scrutiny - Environment & Performance Committee - Thursday, 5th September, 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: Committee Room - Municipal Buildings, West Street, Boston, PE21 8QR. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  Email:

Note: Public access to this meeting is available via between the hours of 6.15pm – 6.30pm via the main door of the Municipal Buildings on West Street, Boston 


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were tabled by Councillor Alison Austin with Councillor Stephen Woodliffe substituting, and by Portfolio Holder Councillor Anne Dorrian with Portfolio Holder Callum Butler substituting.


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of interests in respect of any item on the agenda.


None declared


Minutes pdf icon PDF 170 KB

To sign and confirm the  minutes of the previous meeting.


With the agreement of the committee the Chairman signed the minutes of the previous meeting.


Public Questions

To answer any written questions received from members of the public no later than 5 p.m. two clear working days prior to the meeting – for this meeting the deadline is 5 p.m. on Monday 2nd September 2024


None tabled.


Member Working Group - Review of Car Parking in Boston pdf icon PDF 214 KB

A report by the Car Parking Member Working Group, supported by Karen Rist, Democratic Services Officer and Andy Fisher – Deputy Chief Executive, Programme Delivery and Assistant Director – General Fund Assets.

Additional documents:


Councillor Stuart Evans a member of the review group presented the report supported by the Lead Officer for the review the Joint Deputy Chief Executive for Programme Delivery.  Councillor Evans confirmed that Councillors Mike Gilbert and Ralph Pryke, both on the committee were also on the group and he would invite them to comment on completion of his representation.

Committee were advised that Following concerns in respect of ongoing decreases in car parking income, members of this committee agreed the convention of a Member Working Group to consider the decline in income across the Council’s 22 car parking sites.  The Group also agreed to consider the condition of the sites and the provision and quality of the current signage to the sites, including the seasonal problem of certain signs being hidden by overgrown foliage, both within the town and also along the main arterial roads into the town centre.  The group had further agreed that a review of signage with reference to signs routing visitors to its own car parks would be productive. 

On receiving the relevant information sought from the initial scope of the review, the group held detailed discussions to identify the areas it wished to focus on and what, if any, changes it could successfully take forward.

Key areas identified had included agreeing a pilot car park to change the existing size of the “parking space” to better accommodate today’s larger vehicles.  The group also recognised that certain sites were within highly prominent areas of the town which would benefit from some low-cost enhancements to create a wider amenity, supporting both nature and wildlife. Cllr Gilbert’s team are already engaged in several projects around the town.

The subject of providing free parking was considered, however once the group had considered the outcomes of a comprehensive financial modelling which had been undertaken by the transformation team on the benefits of free parking, they supported the outcome of that modelling in that no free parking outside of any ‘special periods’, be provided.  Clarification was provided that the figures within the report were not current but were the figures used at the start of the review. In conclusion Councillor Evans advised that t was also agreed that a review of parking fees and charges be undertaken, to include exploring the introduction of shopper and commuter passes via the MiPermit app on the Council’s new parking machines.


Prior to opening up the meeting for committee comments, the Chairman invited Councillors Mike Gilbert and Ralph Pryke to comment who stated it was a comprehensive report and well covered and they both endorsed the report.  Further comment noted that the group had considered free parking but had dismissed it, as free parking as often raised by the public was not actually on Council sites but on private properties such as Supermarkets.


Committee agreed the workings of the group and that the report produced.

was informative. In response to an enquiry seeking the costs of repairs for

the car parks, a member was advised  ...  view the full minutes text for item 70.


Joint Scrutiny of the scope and proposed arrangements for a Sub-Regional Leisure Facilities Operator Contract. pdf icon PDF 91 KB

A report by the Head of Special Projects (Leisure)

Additional documents:


The Portfolio Holder presented the report supported by the Assistant Director Leisure and Culture and the Scrutiny Officer.

Committee were advised that the Partnership Scrutiny Task & Finish Group were asked “to review the scope and proposed arrangements for a Sub-Regional Leisure Facilities Operator Contract.” Scrutiny Committees at all 3 Councils wanted to be reassured that any reports to committees contained enough information for Councillors to be able to make an informed decision at future meetings. The S&ELCP Alignment and Delivery Plan for 2024/25 included the action to ‘develop a sub-regional leisure and culture offer’ by the end of Quarter 3. In considering the most appropriate scope and approach to a sub-regional leisure and culture offer, separate solutions for the delivery of leisure and cultural services are being pursued. All leisure venue operations were currently outsourced through various contracts. Most of the culture offer was delivered in-house through various mechanisms, in order to optimise cultural development opportunities.

It was proposed that the new contract would be a single operator selected for the sub-region with three contracts – one with each sovereign Council, using a Sport England standard form of specification & contract with bespoke adjustments.

All contracts would be prepared the same for consistency and effective contract management with contract drafting assuming contract payment in favour of Council.

All current arrangements would be protected with minimum opening hours etc. Flexibility for ‘additional commissions’ e.g. fixed term community sport/physical activity/health intervention projects etc. should the Councils wish to commission them.

Venue Repair & Maintenance responsibility with new/redeveloped venues - Operator being responsible on full Repair and Insuring basis.  Older venues the Operator to be responsible for Planned Preventative Maintenance and Re-decorations for life of contract and the Council to be responsible for end-of-life replacement items.

Key points discussed by the Task Group had included the feasibility of a ‘one size fits all’ approach: the benefits of an aligned contract and the expectations for operators, for example maintenance, particularly with regard to some of the older buildings.

Further information had been required on who would be involved in the process (internal and external) and also clarification on how the ‘Active Communities’ agenda will be encouraged by any new operator chosen.

It was agreed that background research on companies expected to bid for the contract would be sourced and that further details on how the contract(s) would work in practice, having a common core contact, with specific bolt-ons’ for each sovereign Council.

The group discussed comparative costs between current contract(s) and potential future costs and also sought explanation of the 3 Stages of the procurement process, including evaluations, negotiations and cool off period. They agreed to ensure that a clear, open, and transparent procurement process took place and sought assurance that the procurement process had been carefully designed to ensure that the bids matched what had been asked for. 

The group further discussed the need for confirmation that the recommended supplier would be named in committee reports with the involvement of the Portfolio  ...  view the full minutes text for item 71.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 214 KB

A report by the Assistant Director – Regulatory.


Note:  Appendix B will be tabled at the meeting.

Additional documents:


Members noted the work programme.