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Agenda and draft minutes

Agenda and draft minutes

Planning Committee - Tuesday, 14th January, 2025 10.00 am

Venue: Committee Room - Municipal Buildings, West Street, Boston, PE21 8QR. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence and notification of substitutes (if any).


Apologies for absence were tabled by Councillor Claire Rylott with Councillor Stuart Evans substituting.


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of interests in respect of any item on the agenda.


Standing declarations of interest are tabled in these minutes for all members of the Council who are also members of:

Lincolnshire County Council:

Councillor Alison Austin

The South East Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee:

Councillors Peter Bedford and David Middleton.

The Internal Drainage Boards:

Councillors Peter Bedford, Anne Dorrian, David Middleton, Chris Mountain, Claire Rylott, David Scoot, and Suzanne Welberry


Councillor David Brown declared that he had attended a meeting in respect of planning application B 24 0060 but that he had made no comment and would consider the application with an open mind.

Councillor Sarah Sharpe declared that whilst she had attended a meeting in respect of application B 24 0476, she had made no comment and would consider the application with an open mind.

Councillor Dale Broughton declared that he was also been present at that meeting in respect of planning application B 24 0476, but had taken no part in any discussions and would consider the application with an open mind.

Councillor Anne Dorrian declared that she too had attended meetings in respect of planning application B 24 0476, within her role as portfolio holder and had made comment and had input in to the application.  As such, Councillor Dorrian confirmed she would absent from the meeting for that application.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 207 KB

To sign and confirm the minutes of the last meeting.


It was noted that Councillor Anne Dorrian was missing from the list of representatives of the Internal Drainage Boards and that the minute would be changed to reflect that.


Public Questions

To answer any written questions received from members of the public no later than 5 p.m. two clear working days prior to the meeting – for this meeting the deadline is 5 p.m. on Thursday 9 January 2025.


One tabled.



Full Planning Permission


Proposed two storey side extension


7 Lime Close  Old Leake  Boston  PE22 9LL

Additional documents:


Proposed two storey side extension  

7, Lime Close, Old Leake, Boston PE22 9LL


The Senior Planning Officer presented the report to the committee, confirming it was being tabled as the applicant was a member of the Council, Councillor Callum Butler, who was also the ward member for the area of the application.  The application site consisted of a two-storey detached dwelling within the settlement of Old Leake.

Full planning permission was sought for a two-storey side extension and conversion of the existing integral garage to an office.  The extension would measure 9.8m b 2.6m with a roof height of 5m to eaves and 6.8m to ridge height.  It was proposed to use material to match those of the main dwelling.

No letters had been received from neighbouring dwellings as a result of the publicity for the application.  Witham Fourth Drainage Board had requested that they be contacted should any changes arise to the surface or treated water disposal arrangements stated in the application. Lincolnshire County Council did not wish to object to the application.  Old Leake Parish Council supported the application.


There was no public representation to this application and no member comment.



That the committee approve the application in line with officer recommendation and subject to the conditions and reasons as follows:


1.            The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


Reason: Required to be imposed pursuant to Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


2.            The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out except in complete accordance with the following details shown on the submitted plan(s):


  • Site Location Plan
  • CB/1 Block Plan, Existing & Proposed Floor Plans & Elevations & Section


Reason: To ensure that the development is undertaken in accordance with the approved details, in the interests of residential amenity and to comply with Policies 2, 3, 4 and 28 of the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2019, and guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework (2024).




Major – Full Planning Permission


Construction of new mixed-use building consisting of 4no. Class E retail units at ground floor level and 18no Class C3 apartment dwellings on first and second floor and new landscaping and external works including parking, refuse store, cycle storage and public toilet block.


Crown House  Lincoln Lane  Boston  PE21 8JS

Additional documents:


It is recorded that Councillor Anne Dorrian absented from the meeting and took no part in any deliberation or determination of this item alone.


Construction of new mixed-use building consisting of 4no Class E retail units at ground floor level and 18no class C3 apartment dwellings on first and second floor and new landscaping and external works including.

parking, refuse store, cycle storage and public toilet block.

Crown House, Lincoln Lane, Boston, PE21 8SJ


The Senior Planning Officer presented the report confirming the application has been referred to commenting for transparency as the proposal had been submitted by Boston Borough Council.

The site to which the application related was a former office building known as ‘Crown House’. The site was located in an important town centre location between Lincoln Lane and the River Witham. The building was currently unused, but previously it had served as the Job Centre. The site was served by a car park to the rear (west) and the main entrance to the building was from the south.  The site formed an important part of the town centre with pedestrian access to the existing bus and coach parking which ran alongside the southern boundary of the site from the town centre. To the north of the site was the police station and the former B&M building was located to the south east.

The existing building was predominantly 3 storeys, with a small aspect being 4 stories. The layout of the building was square with an atrium void to the centre of the building. The external materials varied but it was predominantly constructed in red brick. There was extensive glazing throughout the elevations of the building. The ground floor was largely boarded, and the majority of the site had been fenced off.

Due to the site’s location, the building had some connection to the Grade I listed Church of St Botolph (Boston Stump), which was located approx. 110m away, across the River Witham. The site is located within Flood zone 3. The flood Hazard rating for the site ranges from ‘Low hazard’ to ‘Danger for All’. Similarly, the flood depths ranged from ‘0-0.25’ and ‘1-1.6’.

Planning permission was sought for the re-development of the site to create a new, mixed-use building that would have three floors. The ground floor would comprise of four retail units (Class E) and eighteen apartment dwellings (Class C3) for market rent over the first and second floor. The proposal also included a public toilet in the south west corner of the plot. The proposed building would be constructed from two differing bricks with the ground floor and public toilets being constructed from a darker coloured brick and the upper floors being a lighter sandy colour.

The proposed louvres, capping’s/flashings, windows, and doors would be bronze coloured aluminium. The public toilets will also have a green roof.

Consultations had returned comments of no objections, through to a number no objections but with recommendations / conditions.  These had included. Environmental Health requesting a condition  ...  view the full minutes text for item 23.



Major – Outline Planning Permission


Outline planning application with some matters reserved (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for later approval, for proposed industrial development and associated infrastructure (Use Classes B2, B8, E(g))


Land off Station Road  Sutterton  Boston  PE20 9JX

Additional documents:


Outline planning application with some matters reserved (Appearance, Landscaping, Layout & Scale) for later approval for proposed industrial development and associated infrastructure (Use Classes B2, B8, E(g))


Land off Station Road, Sutterton, Boston, PE20 2JX


The Senior Planning Officer presented the report to the committee, confirming that whilst the ward member had called in the application for a number of reasons, there had also been a high level of public interest in the proposal.

Members were advised that the site was an open agricultural field, to the east of Station Road. The site lay approximately 420m south of the defined settlement boundary for Sutterton and approximately 250m north of the Sutterton Roundabout, where Station Road connects with the A16 and A17.

The site was broadly open in character with no substantial boundary treatments to the west, although there was a small ditch separating the site from the footway and Station Road. The agricultural field continued to the south beyond the red line boundary, with a van and truck dealership at the southern edge of the field, and a smaller field borders the site to the southeast.

To the north of the site was more agricultural land, separated from the site by a hedgerow. The dwelling known as White Lilacs bordered the site in the north west corner. To the east of the site was Church Lane, which connected the A16 with Algarkirk.  Further north was the settlement of Sutterton and to the north east was the settlement of Algarkirk.  Algarkirk contained a number of Heritage Assets that could be impacted by the proposals and that the site could be considered to sit within the setting including the Listed Church of St Peter and St Paul, a Grade II Listed South Cottage, Village Hall and Church View Cottage and Garden Wall, and Algarkirk Shrunken Village Scheduled Ancient Monument

The site lay in an area of open countryside and was not allocated for development or within the settlement boundaries of Sutterton (Inset Map 8) or Algarkirk (Inset Map 30). The site is within Flood Zone 3 and the ‘Danger for Most’ Flood Hazard category. A high-pressure gas main owned by Cadent Gas ran across the site and Cadent Gas has objected to the application.

The proposal sought outline planning permission for a mix of employment uses on the site.  No details of any specific uses had been provided at this initial stage but the uses would be a mix of Class E(g) for an office to carry out any operation administrative functions; the research and development of products or processes, or any industrial process being a use, which can be carried out in the residential areas without detriment to the amenity of that area by reasons of noise, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke, soot, ash, dust or grit. Class B2 for use for the carrying on of an industrial process other than one falling within the uses described in Class E.  Class B8 for use for storage or as a distribution centre.

The application  ...  view the full minutes text for item 24.