Agenda item
Erection of side extension to existing stables, detached timber hay barn, access road and retention of static-caravan for non residential use.
Seven Acres Skipmarsh Lane Old Leake Boston PE22 9LR
Mr B E Nuttgens.
Erection of side extension to existing stables, detached timber hay barn,
access road, and retention of static caravan for non-residential use.
Seven Acres, Skipmarsh Lane, Old Leake, Boston, PE22 9LR
Mr B E Nuttgens
The Senior Planning Officer presented the report noting the following updates:
1. Referencing the representation received under paragraph 5 on page 94 members were advised that two letters in support of the application had been received from the occupier of no.1 Skidmarsh Lane and also from the operators of Midgate East Stables. Both which were material consdieraiton in determination of the application.
2. Members were advised that amended plans had been received showing an additional internal track leading to the proposed stables and a landscaping scheme had also been submitted advising density, tree planting and hedge planting on the periferary of the site. The landscaping details were acceptable and as such condition 7 would be removed from the report.
Representation was received on behalf of the applicants from Mrs Nuttgens which included:
Committee were advised the current provision of accomodation was insufficient for the number of horses on the site, both in their number and also in their size. Storage was currently provided in two containers generally full of hay with straw in the middle, resulting in no available storage for machinery. The wash stables were required all year round both when the horses were hot in the summer months and then when dirty in the winter months. The tack room would accommodate significant varieties of tack as each horse had a number of saddles and blankets for the varying seasons. The utility room was for the family to use with four generations of the family using the facility. around which would be taken away if the new facility were to be granted, Hay Barn produce own hay.
Representation was received from the Ward Member Councillor Tom Ashton which included:
Members were advised that Councillor Ashton had called the application into committee due to the complex history of the site and previous applicaitons there on it. He confirmed that at a recent Old Leake Parish Council meeting, whilst having not formerly commented on the application to the officers, it had supported the previous application and indicated it would support this one. The site was an existing equestrian facility with the application looking to improve the facility. It was reasonable to have proper good dry storage for hay and straw and also the horses. He confirmed the reasons for calling in the application being were principally to look at the impact on the local area and the impact on the open countryside and stated that the officer judgement was correct in that it was of no great scale and caused no harm. The removal of the caravan and the containers would be an improvement on the landscape with well designed and asthetically pleasing buldings. Finally the application importantly had the support of local people.
It was moved by Councillor Jonathan Noble and seconded by Councillor Brian Rush that the application be granted in line with officers recommendation; subject to the conditions and reasons therein, and subject to the removal of condition 7 and the addition of the landscaping plan into condition 8.
VOTE: In Favour: 11. Against: 0. Abstentions: O CHECK*
RESOLVED: That the application be granted in line with officer recommendation subject to the following conditions and reasons.
1 Notwithstanding the existing static caravan and the existing access road which forms part of this application, the development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of threeyears from the date of this permission.
Reason: Required to be imposed pursuant to Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:
§ Location plan (1/9)
§ Proposed site plan rev C (4/9)
§ Proposed stable plan –rev B (5/9)
§ Proposed stable elevations –rev A (6/9)
§ Proposed stable sections (7/9)
§ Proposed hay barn floor plan and section –rev A (8/9)
§ Proposed hay barn elevations
Reason: To ensure the development is undertaken in accordance with the approved details and to accord with Adopted Local Plan Policy G1.
3 The stables and extensions to it hereby approved shall not be used for commercial purposes.
Reason: In order to enable to control the impact of any commercial use may have upon the character of the countryside, the amenity of neighbouring residents or road safety. This condition accords with Local Plan Policies G1 and C01.
4 The stables and extensions to it hereby approved shall only be used for the accommodation of horses and shall not be used for living accommodation.
Reason: The site is located within a remote area in the countryside where new residential development is strictly controlled. This condition accords with the objectives of Local Plan Policy C01 and the NPPF (2018).
5 The existing static caravan shall be removed from the site within 2 years from the date of this permission or when the stable extension is completed or first brought into use whichever is the sooner.
Reason: In accordance with the applicants stated intentions and in the interests of the amenity and character of the area. This condition accords with the objectives of Local Plan Policy C01 and the NPPF (2018).
6 The existing shipping containers shall be removed from the site within 2 years from the date of this permission or when the hay barn is completed or first brought into use whichever is the sooner.
Reason: In accordance with the applicants stated intentions and in the interests of the amenity and character of the area. This condition accords with the objectives of Local Plan Policy C01 and the NPPF (2018).
7 All landscape works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved
details (ref ‘Proposed site plan rev D (4A/9) and planting schedule
received on the 12th September 2018 within 6 months of the date of the
first occupation of any building or completion of development whichever
is the sooner. Any trees, plants, grassed areas which within a period of 5
years from the date of planting die, are removed or become seriously
damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the first available planting
season with others of similar size species or quality, unless the Local
Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation.
Reason: In the interests of visual amenity and in accordance with Section 197 of the 1990 Act which requires Local Planning Authorities to ensure, where appropriate, adequate provision is made for the preservation or planting of trees, and to ensure that the approved scheme is implemented satisfactorily. The condition accords with Adopted Local Plan Policy G1.
On conclusion of the above planning applications committee received the Appeal Report and the NPPF report ahead of adjournment. Minutes for these two items are noted below in their issued position within this agenda.
Councillor Tom Ashton rejoined the meeting at this point in the proceedings.
It is recorded that Councillor Brian Rush tabled apologies and took no part in the meeting following reconvention.
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