Agenda item
Outline application with all matters reserved (layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping) reserved for the demolition of outbuildings and the construction of up to 6no. dwellings.
Blue Bungalow Pode Lane Old Leake Boston PE22 9NB
Mrs Margaret Dickings.
Outline application with all matters (layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping) reserved for the demolition of outbuildings and the construction of up to 6no. dwellings
Blue Bungalow, Pode Lane, Old Leake, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE22 9NB
Mrs Margaret Dickings
The Development Manager presented the report to the committee noting updates to the report tabled:
Referencing page 105 members were advised that at the time of the report being issued Old Leake Parish Council had not commented on the application. An objection had now been received from the Parish Council stating they felt it to be an overdevelopment of the site, a drain on local services and infrastructure. The site was not suitable for six dwellings and there was concern with the corner of the development and the impact on the road regarding visibility. Further concern noted that the village was already struggling and could not cope with further development.
Representation was received from the Ward Member Councillor Barrie Pierpoint which included:
Councillor Pierpoint stated that it was not always easy to understand local issues by looking at pictures, especially when considering a planning application. He confirmed that as a previous member of the planning committee he too had experienced the same problem.
Members were asked to recognise that the application was not as straightforward as maybe initially perceived. Having visited the site recently and spoken to all the residents and spent time in the area identifying all the issues the development would create to that part of the village, Councillor Pierpoint stated that vehicular access to the site would be seriously compromised: the safety of the local road from Pode Lane side was after the Southfield Lane junction, only wide enough for one single vehicle. On one side there was an open dyke which could be dangerous and when two cars met on that particular part of the road, one always had to reverse to a safe spot. The narrow road could not cope with anymore traffic. There was no public lighting in the evening along Pode Lane after the Southfield Lane junction, contrary to what was stated in the application. The proposed footpath would remove the width of the road even further: currently tractors and trailers with wide loads had to use the grass verge which would be lost if permission was granted resulting in further problems. Accessibility to the proposed site was a massive issue and traffic would be even more critical should visitors to the new dwellings decide to park on the proposed footpath making the road even more difficult to pass.
The site would create major issues for local residents in terms of safety, congestion, parking issues, flooding, and increased noise and pollution. Pode Lane was situated in a flood risk area surrounded by dykes, some of which were already subsiding. The dyke at the back of the site would be suspect to further subsidence. The land was too small to adequately accommodate the number of properties creating additional pressure on an area already suffering with issues beyond its control. The development was out of character with the surrounding properties. Reference to the NPPF was also made in respect of promotion of sustainable development in rural areas in that housing needed to be located where it would enhance the vitality of the rural community: members asked to agree that the application would not. The development would not bring growth but bring further burden to an overgrown village, impacting on local schools, doctors, poor roads systems and increased traffic.
It was moved by Councillor Tom Ashton and seconded by Councillor Paul Skinner that the application be refused contrary to officer recommendation as it contravened policies G1, G2 and H3(2) of the Boston Borough Local Plan 1999 and paragraphs 122 and 127 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2018.
VOTE: In Favour: 10. Against: 1.
RESOLVED: That the application be refused contrary to officer recommendation for the following reasons:
1. The proposed development would comprise, by virtue of the potential number of dwellings, an overdevelopment of the site, resulting in a cramped appearance incompatible with the spacious and character of the locality. The development would result in an incongruous addition to the edge of village location. The proposal would be contrary to Policies G1, G2 and H3(2) (in relation to density) of the Boston Borough Local Plan 1999 and paragraphs 122 and 127 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2018.
Refused Drawing numbers:
Site Location Plan, 17044-001-01 (1/7)
Indicative Layout 17044-001-02 (2/7)
In determining this application the authority has taken account of the guidance in paragraph 38 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2018 in order to seek to secure sustainable development that improves the economic, social and environmental conditions of the Borough.
Supporting documents: