Agenda item


(Report by the Deputy Chief Executive – Place)



The Deputy Chief Executive (Place) introduced a report detailing the Boston Town Deal Board’s Town Investment Plan (TIP) prior to its submission to the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government (MHCLG).


Each Town Investment Plan included proposals for up to £25 million to invest in regeneration, skills and connectivity to secure transformational levels of economic growth. The deadline for submission of the Town Investment Plan was 30 October 2020.


Following the agreement of Heads of Terms with MHCLG, towns would have up to 12 months to complete comprehensive business cases for selected projects and submit a Summary Document to show that this had been completed in line with the agreed conditions and requirements in the Heads of Terms. Once towns had developed detailed business cases for their agreed projects and submitted all the required documentation as part of the Summary Document, Government would carry out a high-level assessment of the document before releasing funding.


The award of up to £25m from the Towns Fund created a huge opportunity to help shape the future of both the Town and the Borough of Boston. Responding to the requirements of phase one of the prospectus would ensure that the Council was well-placed to deliver phase two and continue to use the platform of the Town Deal to deliver additional investment in Boston by continuing to work with partners and business.


Four partners from the Town Board were then welcomed and invited to make presentations to the meeting: Neil Kempster of Chestnut Homes, Chairman of the Town Board, Jackie Bunce, NHS, Matt Van Lear, Head Teacher of Haven High Academy, Claire Foster, Principal of Boston College and Greg Pickup, Heritage Lincolnshire.


The Deputy Leader, Councillor Nigel Welton, thanked the representatives for their inspirational work and wished them luck with the submission of their remarkable plan.


Councillor Welton then MOVED that


1.            The Town Investment Plan be noted.


2.            To note the Chief Executive will submit to MHCLG the Town Investment Plan, as approved by the Boston Town Deal Board by the 30 October 2020.


3.            To note that the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Boston Town Deal Board may make refinements to the Boston Town Deal Investment Plan.


This was seconded by the Leader, Councillor Paul Skinner


Members described the TIP as an important and exciting opportunity and tribute was paid to the Deputy Chief Executive for her central role in bringing all partners together so effectively and quickly, which was a major achievement.


Members were impressed with the cooperation between partners and thanked the representatives present for their passion and care and desire to bring forward the projects. The investment and transformation in the long-term were key drivers and would provide many jobs.


A Member added that the High School and Grammar School should have been involved with the plan.  Another expressed dissatisfaction with the plan and would not support it on the grounds of lack of detail, transparency and consultation, particularly in relation to the pool.  A final point was made regarding the inaccessibility of the town and the need to upgrade transport infrastructure to make any projects successful.


In response to a question, it was confirmed that the refinements referred to in the third part of the proposal would be made by the chairman and vice-chairman of the Town Deal Board, but they would be circulated to all members of the board for agreement.


It was then proposed that the motion be amended so that Town Investment Plan was not only noted but also supported in the Council’s resolution and this was agreed by the proposer and seconder. 


In summing up, the Leader praised the plan, its aspirations and ambitions for the town and community and urged Members to support the plan to give people hope, as it was a fantastic opportunity. 


The Board Members were thanked by all Members for their motivational presentations.


The proposal was then put to the vote and it was:




1.         The Town Investment Plan be noted and supported.


2.         It be noted that the Chief Executive will submit to MHCLG the Town Investment Plan, as approved by the Boston Town Deal Board by the 30 October 2020.


3.         It be noted that the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Boston Town Deal Board may make refinements to the Boston Town Deal Investment Plan.


Supporting documents: