Agenda item
(Report by the Chief Executive)
(a) Approve the Programme of Ordinary Meetings 2021/22
(b) Membership of Cabinet and Allocation of Portfolios
(c) Constitution of Committees
(d) Appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Committees
(e) Appointment of representatives to serve on external organisations
The Monitoring Officer introduced a report recommending that, in accordance with the Council’s Rules of Procedure, Council consider the programme of meetings and appointments for the 2021/2022 Municipal Year as now indicated.
The Monitoring Officer drew attention to the draft programme of ordinary meetings for 2021/22. It was noted that in terms of the Council’s Constitution, the Council was required to formally approve the programme of ordinary meetings at its AGM.
It was moved by Councillor Paul Skinner, seconded by Councillor Welton and
RESOLVED that the programme of ordinary meetings for 2021/22 as set out in Appendix A be approved.
The Monitoring Officer referred to Appendix B, which related to the appointment of the Cabinet Members and allocation of portfolios for 2021/22, submitted for information purposes only.
It was moved by Councillor Paul Skinner, seconded by Councillor Nigel Welton and
RESOLVED that the appointment of the Cabinet and allocation of portfolios for 2021/22, as set out in Appendix B, be noted.
The Monitoring Officer referred to the proposed membership of the Committees for 2021/22 as set out in Appendix C of the report.
It was moved by Councillor Paul Skinner, seconded by Councillor Nigel Welton and
RESOLVED that the membership of Committees for 2021/22, as set out in Appendix C, be approved.
The Monitoring Officer referred to the list of proposed appointments of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the Committees, as set out in Appendix D of the report.
It was moved by Councillor Paul Skinner, seconded by Councillor Nigel Welton and
RESOLVED that the appointments of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen for 20021-22 be approved as set out in Appendix D of the report; such appointees to hold office until the next Annual Meeting of the Council, or until the appointment of their successors.
The Monitoring Officer referred to the schedule of appointments to external organisations as set out in Appendix E of the report.
It was noted that the nominations for the Black Sluice Internal Drainage Board and the Witham Fourth Internal Drainage Board were no longer oversubscribed as Councillor Brian Rush had withdrawn.
The Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel was oversubscribed by one nomination and would be voted on separately.
It was moved by Councillor Paul Skinner, seconded by Councillor Nigel Welton and
RESOLVED that the Council’s appointments to external organisations be approved as set out in Appendix E, with the exception of the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel, Members to serve on the external organisations indicated in each case; to hold office whilst they remain Members of the Council, until the next Annual Meeting of the Council; or until the appointment of their successors;
It was moved by Councillor Nigel Welton and seconded by Councillor Anton Dani that Councillor Paul Skinner be appointed as the Council’s representative on the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel.
It was moved by Councillor Peter Bedford and seconded by Councillor Peter Watson that Councillor Stephen Woodliffe be appointed as the Council’s representative on the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel.
On being put to the vote it was
RESOLVED that Councillor Paul Skinner be appointed as the Council’s representative on the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel to hold office whilst he remains a Member of the Council, until the next Annual Meeting of the Council; or until the appointment of a successor.
Organisation |
Period of Appointment |
Appointees |
Bicker Trust |
Civic Year |
Cooper |
Black Sluice Internal Drainage Board (7 members) |
Civic Year |
Ashton R. Austin Bedford Cooper Pickett P. Skinner Mr. M. Brookes (Lay member) |
Boston Citizens Advice Bureau Management Committee (2 seats)
Civic Year |
Griggs |
Boston Municipal Non-Educational Charities (4 seats) |
Civic Year |
Woodliffe Colin Brotherton (lay member) |
Centrepoint Outreach |
Civic Year |
Welbourn |
Council for the Protection of Rural England (Lincs Branch)
Civic Year |
P. Skinner |
Heritage Lincolnshire |
Civic Year |
R. Austin |
Lincolnshire County Council Health Scrutiny Committee (1 seat and 1 substitute – non Cabinet members) |
Civic Year |
Lincolnshire County Council Flood and Water Management Scrutiny Committee (non Cabinet members) |
Civic Year |
R. Austin Pickett (substitute member) |
Nacro Services in Lincolnshire |
Civic Year |
Welbourn |
Rural Services Network (SPARSE Rural, Rural Services Partnership, RSN Community Group)
Civic Year |
Ashton Brown |
Sir Thomas Meddlecott and Others Charity Trust (Skirbeck Quarter Charities) (3 Trustees) |
Civic Year |
A. Austin Woodliffe Mr. R. Lenton (Lay member) |
Swineshead Poor Charity |
Civic Year |
Cornah |
Wash and North Norfolk Coast Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Members Group (1 seat and 1 substitute) |
Civic Year |
A. Austin
Witham Fourth District Internal Drainage Board (7 members) |
R. Austin Bedford Hastie Pickett P. Skinner Welton Mrs. P. Cooper (Lay member) |
Long Term Appointments
Organisation |
Period of Appointment |
Current / Previous Appointees |
Boston Grammar School Foundation Governors (4 seats) |
4 years from 2019 |
Not applicable until May 2023 |
John Butler Charity |
3 years from 2020
Not applicable until May 2023 |
Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel |
4 years from 2021
P. Skinner |
St. Leonard’s Hospital Trust (2 Trustees)
4 years from appointment |
Not applicable until May 2023 |
Thomas Sanderson Trust (2 seats) |
4 years from 2019 |
Not applicable until May 2023 |
Welland and Deepings IDB |
3 years from 2020
Not applicable until May 2023 |
W H and E Harlock Swineshead Almshouses Charity
3 years from 2020 |
Not applicable until May 2023 |
Swineshead Enhancement Society |
4 years from 2019 |
Not applicable until May 2023 |
Supporting documents:
- Democratic Arrangements 2021/22, item 8. PDF 600 KB
- Appendix A - Programme of Meetings 2021/22, item 8. PDF 157 KB
- Appendix B - Membership of Cabinet and Allocation of Portfolios, item 8. PDF 176 KB
- Appendix C - Constitution of Committees 2021-22, item 8. PDF 188 KB
- Appendix D - Appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen 2021-22, item 8. PDF 53 KB
- Appendix E - Appointments to External Organisations 2021/22, item 8. PDF 117 KB
- Appendix E - Appointments of representatives to serve on external organisations - updated, item 8. PDF 118 KB
- Appendix A - Draft Programme of Meetings - 2021-22 FINAL, item 8. PDF 157 KB
- Appendix B - Cabinet Members and Portfolios FINAL, item 8. PDF 176 KB
- Appendix C - Constitution of Committees 2021-22 - FINAL, item 8. PDF 182 KB
- Appendix D - Chairmen and VCs 2021-22 FINAL, item 8. PDF 54 KB
- Appendix E - Appointments - External Reps 2021-22 FINAL, item 8. PDF 119 KB