Agenda item
The Chief Executive reported there were three questions from Councillor Tom Ashton and one question from Councillor Brian Rush.
Question asked by Councillor Tom Ashton pursuant to paragraph 11 of the Rules of Procedure as set out in the Constitution:-
Over the last few months, having had the honour of serving as Deputy Mayor and supporting the Mayor in representing our Borough, it has occurred to me that there may be occasions where the Deputy Mayor is called upon to represent the Mayor on occasions where the Mayor would ordinarily be expected to be robed.
Keen as I am to leave my mark on any role I am privileged to take on, I have resolved to ensure that future Deputy Mayors shall have a robe appropriate for the ancient dignity of our Borough, by purchasing a robe which I believe to be suitable for the purpose.
On behalf of the Borough Council, will you accept my donation of this robe and hatfor the use of my successors as occasion requires?
Response by Councillor Nigel Welton:-
Thank you Councillor Ashton for your question and kind offer, on behalf Boston Borough Council I would like to thank you for you generosity. To put this into context we have in the past obtained quotes for a Deputy Mayors robe which was £1765 for a robe and a further £500 for a hat, you can imagine my response. So thank you Councillor Ashton your donation will be a welcome addition to the civic attire.
Supplemental question asked by Councillor Ashton pursuant to paragraph 11.6 of the Rules of Procedure as set out in the Constitution:-
Thank you Councillor Welton. In this Platinum Jubilee Year, would you agree in principle that all the Councillors of a Chartered Borough such as Boston should be appropriately robed on principal civic occasions?
Response by Councillor Welton:-
I agree with Councillor Ashton, the cost of providing robes is £1300 per robe, this amounts to £36,400, I don’t believe that this would be a popular use of public money at this time.
Question asked by Councillor Tom Ashton pursuant to paragraph 11 of the Rules of Procedure as set out in the Constitution:-
Appreciating that this building is a fantastic asset for our town, and it has been a privilege to use it over recent months, I am however concerned that we are neglecting to use buildings which the Council owns, and meeting at a location which is remote from town.
Could you tell me what it costs to hold Council and Committee Meetings at Boston United Football Club (Jakemans Statium)?
Response by Councillor Nigel Welton:-
The charges for the hire of this venue depend on which room is used and the timing and length of the meeting. The average cost for a meeting of Full Council is £100.
Question asked by Councillor Tom Ashton pursuant to paragraph 11 of the Rules of Procedure as set out in the Constitution:-
For all the years I have been familiar with our fabulous Chamber at West Street, the clock on the wall of our Chamber has been stopped at a very random time. Does the Council have an estimate for the cost of repairing this clock and maintaining it in a state of good repair?
Response by Councillor Welton:
I again thank Councillor Ashton for notice of his question.
The clock in the Council Chamber requires the skills and expertise of a specialist horologist, who are few and far between. Enquiries have been made with companies who may be able to assist and I will keep you updated on progress.
Question asked by Councillor Brian Rush pursuant to paragraph 11 of the Rules of Procedure as set out in the Constitution:-
For some many months, we have become aware of a refrigerated vehicle, which it seems has been parking overnight in the Market Place, on Tuesdays and Fridays, and is clearly plugged into an electrical supply outlet, near the beautifully presented and highly regarded Hoppers, the Jewelers, in the Market Place.
I am aware that this provision has been ongoing now for many months, so I was encouraged by the fact that we are all here this evening, looking at budgets overheads costs and charges, etc.
So this meeting has presented me with an ideal opportunity to find out just how much, Boston Borough Council has been charging this vendor, for what we all know is becoming a rapidly rising electrical commodity?
I expect that other local rate-paying Butchers, will be interested in the answer also?
Response by Councillor Tracey Abbott:-
Thank you for your question. Those traders who use their own vehicles to trade are charged per foot. The Trader in question operates from a plot of 10 foot, but is charged at a rate of £2.70 per foot, this compensates the Council for the cost of electricity.
Supplemental question asked by Councillor Rush pursuant to paragraph 11.6 of the Rules of Procedure as set out in the Constitution:-
Thank you for your response, but I don’t think you understood my question. How much is the vendor charged to park overnight and to charge his refrigerated vehicle using the Council’s electricity supply. In total how many hours is the vehicle connected to the electricity. I would ask that all Members are provided with sight of charges and useage. Also what safety measures are in place for a vehicle left unattended overnight whilst connected to the electricity.
Response by Councillor Abbott:-
I refer Councillor Rush to my response to a previous similar question asked by him.
The Council has not passed a directive to allow vehicles to park overnight in Boston Market Place. The Markets team have allowed the butchers van to park in the events space the night before Markets on a trial period, if this is causing an obstruction, issues or complaints we will happily review this process. No charge is currently levied for this van.