Agenda item
A report by The Assistant Director – Neighbourhoods
Councillor Judith Welbourn presented the report confirming that a Member Working Group had been convened following concerns by Members in respect of the 140% increase in fly tipping incidents across the Borough during the period 2019/20 and 2020/21. It had been recognised that many such incidents were due to the closure of the Household Recycling Centre during Covid particularly in respect of large items including furniture, but there was also recognition that many residents continued to fly tip due to simply not bothering to try and dispose of the waste in the correct manner or not realising the procedures or options available to them
The outcomes as noted within the report had all been taken forward through the Portfolio Holder although they had not all had been agreed by Lincolnshire County Council.
Committee deliberation followed which included:
Whilst Members overall recognised and congratulated the work undertaken by the fly tipping team on a daily basis, in removing items as soon as possible once they had been reported, a number of concerns were tabled. One key issue was the Household Waste Recycling Centre and it being closed two days a week, but more importantly it not being able to receive certain items on the days it was open. A lack of any response from Lincolnshire County Council proved to be a constant frustration with Members feeling that they were ignoring the seriousness of the problem. Further concerns noted bins with multiple tags which still remained on the pavements when there had been advice of an amnesty to clear such bins.. A Member questioned what it anything the letting agents were doing to advise new tenants of the procedure for getting rid of their waste. The population of Boston was increasing all the time with larger households generating significant waste with many just dumping in the area of their homes. Concern also noted the impression of visitors to the town seeing black bags strewn in hedgerows and along walkways. Members also agreed that the problem was not solely within the town centre but also in the rural areas.
Councillor Welbourn responded advising that three letting agents provided leaflets that go out to each new tenant clearly advising, in six languages, the correct procedure for disposal of rubbish. The leaflets were also pictorial leaving no reason for any person not to understand them. Whilst all Countries had differing ways of disposing of litter, new residents to the town from overseas now had no reason not to understand the procedure in Boston. Ongoing problems continued in respect of un-licensed operators collecting waste and the tipping wherever they felt they could get away with it. In respect of the Household Waste Recycling Centre the Portfolio Holder had considered the purchase of additional land at the side to of the site to enable and extension and increase capacity but the idea had been rejected at Lincolnshire County Council due to costs for additional staff to man the increase of the site.
Committee noted the report agreeing that future reporting would be called to monitor the situation.
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