Agenda item


A report by Heather Prescott, Climate Change and Environment Officer






Agree the Net Zero Action Plan in line with the Council’s commitment to reduce its carbon emissions by 45% by 2027 and to achieve net zero by 2040 in the line with the strategic aim of the Corporate Strategy.

Portfolio Holders and Officer








The Environment Officer presented the report advising that In 2021, a Carbon Footprinting exercise was undertaken by the Carbon Trust for the Council’s own operations and a Carbon Reduction Plan was developed and agreed by Cabinet in January 2022. Cabinet agreed to amend the previous net zero target to a more quantifiable and ambitious target to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2040 with a minimum reduction of 45% by 2027, providing this can be achieved without the reduction or change in quality of services or adversely impacting on the revenues budget. A Net Zero Action Plan has now been produced to outline the programme of work needed to deliver the necessary reductions based on the Carbon Trust’s reports, with a view to providing a roadmap for carbon reduction measures and projects in the coming years to assist us in meeting our net zero ambition.

Climate Change is one of the greatest global challenges of our time and local authorities have a crucial role to play in driving forward change, leading by example to enable us to adapt to and mitigate Climate Change effectively and achieve a more sustainable future. Monitoring of our carbon emissions via an annual Carbon Footprint and producing plans such as the Carbon Reduction Plan and Net Zero Actin Plan will guide us on our pathway to meet our target of becoming net zero by 2040.

Following on from the recommendations put forward by the Carbon Trust in the adopted Carbon Reduction Plan, a New Zero Action Plan has now been developed to set out the projects required to investigate the feasibility of these recommendations further and provide clear delivery timescales for the proposed actions. The Action Plan also encompassed other environmental initiatives identified by the Climate Change and Environment Team and laid out a more detailed pathway to net zero via the development of our current position in relation to carbon emissions. This would ensure that the most effective and viable pathways forward are taken in relation to our operations. The Carbon Footprint took into account Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions falling under categories for gas, electrical, fleet, waste and business and commuter travel and these categories have therefore been used as a framework for the Action Plan. Investigative and feasibility actions have been highlighted in grey with actions dependant on the outcome of these investigations highlighted in light grey for ease of visualisation.   It was not currently possible, at this time, to provide costs or projected carbon savings for some of the projects identified in the Net Zero Action Plan. These details will be identified during the progression of the projects and where significant financial decisions will be required these proposals will be brought to Members for approval as appropriate.   





Cabinet could decide not to adopt the Net Zero Action Plan, however Local authorities have a legal obligation to produce plans and policies to adapt to and mitigate climate change in line with the provisions of the Climate Change Act 2008.

The Council has also made a commitment to reduce its carbon emissions to net zero by 2040 with a minimum emissions reduction of 45% by 2027 and this plan provides a roadmap to achieving these targets.













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