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(A report by the Deputy Chief Executive – Growth)
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That the response to the Historic Places Panel review paper recommendations, as set out in the body of the report, be noted. |
Portfolio Holders and Officer
The Deputy Chief Executive – Growth presented a report which set out responses to the recommendations contained in the Historic Places Panel review paper.
The report stated that the Historic Places Panel, formally known as the Urban Panel, had visited Boston in September 2021 to provide independent expertise to help the Council and others engage in suggesting ideas and supporting the regeneration of the historic place of Boston.
As a result of the visit the Panel produced a review paper listing a number of recommendations which were contained in the body of the report together with Officer responses. A copy of the review paper was attached at Appendix A.
Representatives from the Historic Places Panel made a return visit to the town in April 2022 to discuss the recommendations and how the Panel could support the Council’s current initiatives including:
The review paper was very positive for Boston and reaffirmed the importance that the town held nationally with the quality of its historical and heritage sphere of influence.
Cabinet welcomed the positive comments put forward by the Historic Places Panel and their offer of support to the Council with projects to enhance the cultural offer of the town including the submission of bids for external funding such as the National Portfolio Organisations which was designed to support arts and culture for the community and could achieve funding of £1m over 3 years for each authority across the alliance. The Panel had also expressed a keenness to work with the Council on transport issues.
In response to comments regarding the need to increase budget allocation to expand the visitor economy, the Assistant Director – Growth confirmed that the visitor economy was a regular topic of discussion at Portfolio Holder meetings and that it was important to work with partner organisations to support the sector.
The Panel’s comments relating to car parking provision in the town was also discussed and the Assistant Director – Growth gave an assurance that the issue was not diluting or impacting the PE21 project, the Panel had not appreciated the resources already in place which showed the ample provision of car parking in various ownerships across the town.
During debate a request was made for Cabinet Members to visit Shodfriars Hall to view the improvement works being undertaken, which had greatly impressed the Historic Places Panel representatives on their return visit in April 2022.
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None. |
None. |
The meeting ended at 7.22 pm
Signed by the Chief Executive
6 May 2022 |
These decisions will come into force (and may then be implemented) on the expiry of five clear working days after the date of this notice UNLESS the decisions are subjected to the Call-In procedure or are starred minutes requiring Full Council approval.
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