Agenda item
A report by the Events Manager
The Portfolio Holder presented the report advising that In 2023, the events provision had returned to pre-COVID levels. However, changes in personnel had resulted in the hoped for expansion of the programme not being realised, but the programme of events delivered had been well received and truly appreciated. Previous years had seen a large support from BTAC Members to enable the events team to run a series of successful events and whilst it was anticipated that events would proceed without limitations during the 2024/25 financial year, that position could change.
Option One at a cost of £41.500 and within the annual baseline budget for events, focused on a more limited programme with the Easter Bunny Hunt; 1940’s event; Classic Car show; Celebrate Boston Day, incorporating an International Food Festival; Halloween in the Market Place; Christmas Light switch on, Santa Fun Run and Christmas Market.
The second option would cost BTAC an additional £16,250 for the financial year and was subject to a further £55,250 of external funding. That would provide an enhanced programme of events in addition to the existing community based events. The option aimed to keep all the free kids fun events, which people have enjoyed previously, it also added some of the larger events that have shown a large footfall and benefitted the Town including the Classic Car Show to move to the Central Park along with a Vintage Festival instead of the 1940’s event; the Beach in the Park with full programme; a Boston Big Local Legacy and Music Festival in the Central Park; a Ska and Reggae Festival in partnership with Endeavour Radio; Christmas Light switch on, Illuminate Parade and accompanying events including a Santa Fun Run and Christmas Market.
Boston Big Local (BBL) had been a key supporter of events for Boston residents and its’ funding had enabled additional community based events in previous years. This funding would cease at the end of March 2024, however they were contributing to the Boston Big Local Achievements and Legacy music event in July. The Boston Beach event had also been added to the list of events to be considered by BTAC.
Community events had taken place across the Borough with the support of the Safety Advisory Group. The Events Team also provided advice to external providers on how to run safe events. Potential events for 2024 were Indian Holi Festival in Central Park and Boston’s Strongest (14th July in the Market Place).
Committee deliberation followed which is collated and included:
Overall members voiced their support for the report and the offer of an extended programme of events to include those subject to the external funding.
Concern was questioned the loss of the Boston Bike Night event which members agreed had been very successful and had grown over the years, bringing visitors into the town from far afield. A member suggested that negotiations with those who managed the event should take place, and when setting the budget for the forthcoming year, if financial support from BTAC was required to secure the event, it could be considered.
The Portfolio Holder confirmed they had immediately contacted the organisers when the news broke and that further negotiations would be taking place with options to include potential sponsorship for the event.
The Chairman voiced concern at the negativity the loss of such a popular event would have on the town, and further supported moving forward with sponsorship across a number of events, citing the benefits for sponsors and the opportunity for local businesses to be a part of a successful events programme.
Referencing the event in the park which was lost due to severe weather, officers were asked if the Council had risk insurance to such cover events and was advised that no such insurance was in place, but was something to be looked into in order to safeguard risk moving forward.
Responding to queries in respect of how the Council monitored its success of the events, members agreed that feedback and attendance data enabled positive publicity for the Council. The Events Manager confirmed that a combination of measures were in place including footfall and feedback from traders, and in respect of the Christmas Event Transported has used an external organisation to evaluate the events with Boston College students carrying out their own evaluation. A member suggested that the market traders who stood throughout the four days should also be undertaken.
Moving forward further suggestions including the effect of events on local businesses and also individual groups and communities. Members were advised that at a recent Halloween event, sessions laid on specifically for children with additional needs had been very well received by theirfamilies, and negotiations were taking place with the May Fair organisers to consider the possibility of providing a quiet two hours for families without the noise and flashing lights.
In conclusion the Chairman requested that his thanks and those of the committee be tabled officially to the events team for their work in facilitating the four day Christmas Market along with other events throughout the year.
That BTAC having considered the event programme have agreed their preference of option 2 £57,750 (BTAC) + £55,250 (external) for the 2024/25 financial year.
Supporting documents:
- Report, item 18. PDF 282 KB
- Appendix A. Option 1, item 18. PDF 116 KB
- Appendix B. Option 2, item 18. PDF 148 KB