Agenda item


(A report of Emily Spicer, Assistant Director – Wellbeing and Community Leadership and Stuart Horton, Strategic Housing Manager)


The Portfolio Holder – Housing and Planning presented the Lincolnshire Discretionary Housing Financial Assistance Policy report which was being considered for approval across all three partnering Councils.


The policy had been developed by all seven Lincolnshire District Councils working collaboratively with Lincolnshire County Council. The aims of the policy was to; create a level of consistency and maximise the contributions that Disabled Facilities Grants / Better Care Fund could make; enable vulnerable people to live independently in a home of their own; and reduce the need for more expensive health and social care service interventions.


It was confirmed that relevant officers had the authority to award funding and that grants had been awarded in situations where work had already begun but was unable to be finished due to changes in financial circumstances.



That Cabinet:

1)    Approves the Policy and Explanatory Notes to be adopted with effect from 1st April 2024. 

2)    Delegated authority to the relevant Assistant Director to make minor and inconsequential variations to the Policy in consultation with the Portfolio Holder - Housing, if agreed on a countywide basis. This delegation will not be used to make changes to the Policy that substantively change the purpose of the Policy.

3)    Delegated authority to the Chief Executive Officer to suspend the awarding of new discretionary assistance under this policy in consultation with the relevant Assistant Director and Portfolio Holder - Housing.

4)    In addition to the minor and inconsequential variations permitted within the Policy, authority was delegated to the relevant Assistant Director to make initial amendments to the Policy in consultation with the Portfolio Holder – Housing to enable any appropriate recommendations from other Lincolnshire district councils’ scrutiny of the Policy to be considered and incorporated, if agreed on a countywide basis.

Approved the Boston Borough Council delegations to officers as set of in the Explanatory Notes.

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