Agenda item
A report by the Assistant Director for Leisure and Culture
The Portfolio Holder presented the report and confirmed that at its meeting held on the 27th July 2024, BTAC considered a report in respect of the Green Flag Award. BTAC further agreed for such a report to come before its meeting scheduled for 8 February 2024, for consideration.
The Green Flag award scheme is a process of external accreditation intended to encourage the delivery of well managed public parks. The Green Flag Award® scheme describes itself as an award that: ‘Recognises and rewards well managed parks and green spaces, setting the benchmark standard for the management of recreational outdoor spaces across the United Kingdom and around the world’
The purpose & aims of a Green Flag are to ensure that everybody has access to quality green and other open spaces, irrespective of where they live. To ensure that these spaces are appropriately managed and meet the needs of the communities that they serve. To establish standards of good management. To promote and share good practice amongst the green space sector. To recognise and reward the hard work of managers, staff and volunteers.
To achieve a Green Flag Award, BTAC would need to demonstrate that it has a clear plan of what it aims to achieve, why, and who it serves. The judges will expect to see a clear management strategy that both demonstrates that the Park is well maintained, and that there are plans for the future, showing continual improvement.
To apply for an award, an initial site description, contact details and publicity information would need to be supplied along with a management plan and purchase order. Finance considerations include a £350 registration fee, and costs associated with developing and implementing a 5 year management/investment plan, updated annually.
Whilst there is an administration fee of £350, to register for an Award, there is an expectation that BTAC would need to undertake additional work to meet the criteria and standards set by the Award. To undertake this work, there will be a requirement for Members, Officers and Partners to initially dedicate time to develop a management plan for the Park. There will be a further need to develop an annual action plan, which may require further financial resources.
Applications for a Green Flag Award need to be submitted by 31st January annually, with Award winners announced each July
The Assistant Director for Leisure and Culture (Lead Officer for the committee) stressed to members that should they agree to take the item forward, it would mean a large undertaking for members and officers and that a working group of 3 members would be required to facilitate the process to work towards developing a management plan.
Committee questioning and comment followed which included:
With overall agreement that Central Park was viewed by many as the crown jewel in the town centre, members acknowledged that should the town achieve the status it would provide a more structured view on maintaining park, whilst also providing the town with a key attraction. Confirmation was provided that Lincoln had seven such sites with Green Flag Status, but there were no others in the County.
A member noted that in 2007 many shrubs had been removed from Central Park and other areas of the town, due to them being used as areas to camp and also carry out personal functions. He further stated that it could be time to return those areas to being planted out once more. However, it would need the support of volunteers to maintain such areas which could only improve the town and support the status of the park.
The Chairman agreed that the Green Flag Award was a major project to undertake and that to try to achieve the prestigious award. He further suggested that the working group visit another organisation who had achieved the award to gain an insight into the issues and problems they experienced. It would add a point of research in structuring their management plan.
That Councillors Barrie Pierpoint, Paul Gleeson and Anton Dani volunteered to sit on the working group.
That the Assistant Director – Leisure and Culture and the Portfolio holder be charged to take the challenge forward.
Supporting documents:
- Report, item 9. PDF 283 KB
- Appendix A. Green Flag Standards, item 9. PDF 110 KB
- Appendix B. Green Flag Guidelines, item 9. PDF 4 MB