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Meeting attendance

Meeting attendance

Monday, 30th January, 2023 6.30 pm, Audit & Governance Committee

Venue:   Committee Room, Municipal Buildings, West Street, Boston PE21 8QR

Contact:    Pippa Rose, Democratic Services Officer
01205 314228 email:

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Peter Watson Chairman Present
Councillor George Cornah Vice-Chairman Present
Councillor Tom Ashton Committee Member Present
Councillor Richard Austin BEM Committee Member Apologies
Councillor David Brown Committee Member Absent
Councillor Katie Chalmers Committee Member Present
Councillor Anton Dani Committee Member Present
Councillor Paul Goodale Committee Member Absent
Councillor Martin Howard MSc. PCGM, Cert Ed Committee Member Absent
Councillor Frank Pickett Committee Member Present
Councillor Stephen Woodliffe Committee Member Present
Mr Alan Pickering Committee Member Present
Suzanne Rolfe Officer In attendance
Jon Machej Officer In attendance
Sean Howsam Officer In attendance
Samantha Knowles Officer In attendance
Christine Marshall Officer In attendance
Councillor Jonathan Noble Portfolio Holder In attendance
Pippa Rose Secretary In attendance
Matthew Waller Officer In attendance