Agenda and minutes
Venue: Municipal Buildings West Street Municipal Buildings Boston.
Contact: Karen Rist, Democratic Services Officer 01205 314226 email:
No. | Item |
ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN Committee will be asked to elect their Chairman. Minutes: RESOLVED: That Councillor Barry Pierpoint be appointed as Chairman of the Boston Town Area Committee for the Municipal Year 2023/24. |
ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN Committee will be asked to elect their Vice Chairman Minutes: RESOLVED: That Councillor Patricia Marson be appointed as Vice-Chairman of the Boston Town Area Committee for the Municipal Year 2023/24. |
APOLOGIES To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies of absence were received from Councillor Anton Dani. |
To sign and confirm the minutes of the last meeting. Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were signed. |
UPDATE ON ACTIONS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING To report progress on outstanding actions from the minutes of the last meeting, for information only. Minutes: There was no update for this meeting. |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS To receive declarations of interests in respect of any item on the agenda. Minutes: Councillor Mike Gilbert declared he is a Member of the Boston Big Local Panel. |
PUBLIC QUESTIONS To answer any written questions received from members of the public no later than 5 p.m. two clear working days prior to the meeting – for this meeting the deadline is 5 p.m. on Friday 26th May 2023. Minutes: None. |
PUBLIC SPEAKING TIME To allow members of the public to address the Committee. Minutes: No Members of the public wished to speak. |
Minutes: The Play and Physical Activity Officer presented a report which provided Members with an update on the outcome of the full tender process for the provision of further improvements for investment in outdoor play ahead and sought final approval to proceed.
At its meeting on the 3rd November 2022 BTAC resolved that the Play and Physical Activity Officer was to be tasked to take the proposals for all four sites forward and undertake a full tendering process for the provision of the facilities identified and return a full report back to committee for final agreement.
Following Members questions the Play and Physical Activity Officer confirmed that the equipment would be maintained by the Council.
Members thanked the Play and Physical Activity Officer for her work in securing additional funding in order to supply more equipment for the Borough.
RESOLVED: That the committee agree to proceed with the improvements identified in the report. |
BTAC 2023/24 FINANCIAL POSITION UPDATE A report by the Strategic Finance Manager Additional documents: Minutes: The Strategic Finance Manager presented a report which provided the committee with an update on the BTAC projected financial position, showing the budget and projected outturn (full year spend) for the 2023/24 year, and the projected BTAC reserve at the year-end 31 March 2024. It was confirmed that the position was in draft form and could be subject to change.
It was confirmed to Members that the opening balance of the BTAC reserve on 1st April 2023 was £328,136. The forecasted total closing balance was £64,542.
Resolved: That the Committee Note the report |
Town Centre Floral Display (A report by John Leach, Deputy Chief Executive (Communities) Minutes: The Portfolio Holder – Town Centre presented a report which asked BTAC to consider making £8,000 available for floral displays to be placed in Boston’s town centre over the summer. It was recommended that whilst working alongside the Boston in Bloom Partnership eight tiered planters are placed in the Market Place, subject to permission from Lincolnshire County Council.
The tiered planters would provide immediate floral impact, building on the Council’s existing annual bedding programme, making the town centre more attractive for residents and visitors to the area. The intention of the display was to help support a vibrant town centre economy by further demonstrating what a wonderful space the market place/ town centre is.
It was noted that should this be supported and seen to be successful, in future year’s sponsorship and other ways to fund an uplift in the town’s floral displays will be explored.
Following Member’s comments the Operations Manager confirmed;
RESOLVED: That BTAC approve funding of £8,000 for additional floral displays in Boston’s Market Place. |
WORK PROGRAMME - STANDING ITEM (The Committee’s work programme for the current year for discussion and/or updating.) Additional documents: Minutes: The Lead Officer explained that two Councillors would need to volunteer to be part of the Small Grants group. Councillors; Arayambath and Gleeson volunteered to take part.
Members were made aware that a BTAC Tour of Assets would be scheduled and a provisional date of 27th July was given.
It was requested that the following item be brought to a future meeting;
Members also asked that the Police be invited to attend a future BTAC meeting. |