Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room Municipal Buldings West Street Boston
Contact: Karen Rist, Democratic Services Officer 01205 314226 email:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Alison Austin, Emma Cresswell and Anne Dorrian. |
To sign and confirm the minutes of the last meeting. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting on 8 February 2024 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record. |
UPDATE ON ACTIONS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING To report progress on outstanding actions from the minutes of the last meeting, for information only. Minutes: The Assistant Director – Leisure and Culture advised that in the previous meeting the Chairman of Boston Town Deal had been invited to attend a future BTAC meeting. However, following discussions it was agreed to hold a Members’ Briefing, which had been scheduled on Monday 22nd April 2024 at 6.00pm. The Chairman added that Neil Kempster, Chairman of the Boston Town Deal, would be attending the briefing. |
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS To receive declarations of interests in respect of any item on the agenda. Minutes: Councillor Lina Savickiene declared a personal interest in respect of Agenda Item 5 ‘Request for the siting of a bench in Central Park, Boston’, which she was presenting. |
PUBLIC QUESTIONS To answer any written questions received from members of the public no later than 5 p.m. two clear working days prior to the meeting – for this meeting the deadline is 5 p.m. on Monday 25th March 2024. Minutes: No public questions had been received. |
PUBLIC SPEAKING TIME To allow members of the public to address the Committee. Minutes: A member of the public addressed the meeting and referenced his previous request to install a CCTV camera onto a lamp post in Granville Street. The Chairman advised that he had received a letter from that individual, and that he was awaiting a response on the matter from Officers, after which he would respond.
The Chairman thanked the member of the public for his comments. |
BTAC SMALL GRANT SCHEME AND BTAC EMPOWERING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES GRANT SCHEME. A report by the BTAC Small Grants Officer Additional documents: Minutes: The Assistant Director – Leisure and Culture reported on the applications which had been made to the Small Grants Working Group in Round 4 of the financial year 2023/2024 for the BTAC Small Grant Scheme and BTAC Empowering Healthy Communities Grant Scheme.
Members noted that four eligible applications had been received in Round 4 of the Boston Town Area Committee Small Grant Scheme and one eligible application had been received of the Boston Town Area Committee Empowering Healthy Communities Grant Scheme. Applications had been received from:
· Boston Men’s Shed; · Boston Women’s Aid; · Boston Hanse Group; · Boston Original Band Initiative; · Citizens Advice Mid Lincolnshire; and · Boston Centenary Methodist Church.
Details of each applicant were set out in Table 1 within the report. The Assistant Director – Leisure and Culture referred to Table 2, which had been tabled at the start of the meeting, which contained the recommendations of the Working Group.
Councillor Anton Dani referred to the application submitted by Citizens Advice Mid Lincolnshire and queried why they were not providing a translator from their own budget. The Chairman advised that Citizens Advice Mid Lincolnshire did have their own budget. However, they required some additional financial support as a result of the high demand for translations.
The Chairman stated that any members wishing to be a part of the Small Grant Scheme process should contact the Local Communities Development Officer and BTAC Grant Administrator.
That the recommendations made by the Working Group in respect of eligible applications be endorsed. |
UPDATE ON WORK OF BTAC OPERATIVES A report by the Operations Manager Additional documents:
Minutes: The Assistant Director – Leisure and Culture reported on the current work programme in place for BTAC Operatives. The BTAC Operatives Work Programme was detailed within Appendix A and photographs of the before and after works were included within Appendix B.
Members noted that BTAC was funding two full time equivalent Operatives, who undertook working within the town centre area providing an enhanced level of maintenance, cleaning and carrying out other specific work tasks. The BTAC Operatives work activity was planned weekly and focused on areas which were identified as priorities by the Committee as set out within the BTAC Operative Work Programme. The priorities included carrying out detailed proactive and responsive maintenance improvements to enhance the quality of the town centre.
Councillor Mike Gilbert queried whether the removal of chewing gum was included within the Operatives’ remit. The Assistant Director – Leisure and Culture advised that the Operatives did sometimes carry out this work. Members noted that, for the more in-depth cleaning / removal of the gum, the Council employed the services of an external company.
Councillor Paul Gleeson queried what had become of the machine that the Council had previously purchased. The Assistant Director – Leisure and Culture mentioned that a grant had been awarded, a while back, for the purchase of a machine. However, he was unaware if the Council still owned that machine. He would find out and report back. Councillor Gilbert added that the equipment was owned by one of the neighbourhood groups and was stored in the Community Hub on the High Street.
Councillor Anton Dani requested whether members could take a tour of the depot in order to see what equipment was owned. The Chairman agreed and requested that arrangements be made by the Officers. Councillor Gleeson suggested that this be carried out as part of the Open Spaces tour.
Members wished for their thanks to be passed on to the Operatives for their excellent work.
That the report be noted. |
An update by the Strategic Finance Manager. Minutes: The Chairman referred members to the Supplementary Agenda papers which contained the financial update. The Assistant Director – Leisure and Culture reported on the financial position of BTAC as at 29 February 2024 and the projected financial position.
Members noted a projected overspend of £33,967 across a number of areas including:
· Open Spaces and Play Areas · Administration – footway lighting energy costs · Public Conveniences – water and sewerage · Events – pension considerations · Town Centre Operatives – materials
The Assistant Director – Leisure and Culture advised that Finance had been requested to bring a report to the next meeting, at the start of the year, to determine what funding will be available.
The Chairman queried the difference in the budget compared to the previous year. The Assistant Director – Leisure and Culture explained that general costs and staffing costs had gone up. Members noted additional costs in respect of the burst water main in the public conveniences.
Councillor Stephen Woodliffe queried when they would be carrying out a review of the footway lighting. The Assistant Director – Leisure and Culture advised that this was on the agenda for the first meeting in the next financial year. He mentioned that the Property Officer, Nigel Hall, had commenced work on this, but had recently retired. The Chairman added that the LED lighting would be a longer term plan over a period of time.
Councillor Mike Gilbert referred to the burst water main and queried whether the cost was a result of the ongoing issue over a period of time or of the actual repair. The Assistant Director – Leisure and Culture reported that the issue was still under investigation and advised that a report would be brought back to the next meeting. The Chairman requested that a member of the Operations Team be requested to attend the next meeting to report on the matter.
That the update be noted. |
WORK PROGRAMME - STANDING ITEM (The Committee’s work programme for the current year for discussion and/or updating.) Minutes: The Assistant Director – Leisure and Culture provided an update in respect of the Green Flag award. Officers had visited the City of Lincoln Council regarding their achievement. The City of Lincoln Officers had agreed to provide some help and supporting information and in return wanted Boston Officers to reciprocate regarding any aspects of learning that were made during preparations. The Assistant Director – Leisure and Culture added that when the awards were made, in June / July, a trip would be organised to enable officers to look at a similar area to Central Park.
Members confirmed that the following Councillors had volunteered to sit on the Green Flag Working Group:
· Councillor Anton Dani · Councillor Mike Gilbert · Councillor Paul Gleeson · Councillor Barrie Pierpoint
The Assistant Director – Leisure and Culture referred to the next meeting, subject to the schedule of meeting dates being confirmed, and reminded members of the agenda items such as:
· Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman; · BTAC Assets and Footway Lighting Items; · Update on BTAC Operatives Work Programme; and · Finance Report.
The Assistant Director – Leisure and Culture advised members to notify him of any additional items to be added. Members requested the following items:
· Update on the Park; · Update on the Operation Potting; and · Update on Ingelow Park.
That the Work Programme be noted. |
REQUEST FOR THE SITING OF A BENCH IN CENTRAL PARK BOSTON A verbal request for the siting of a Bench in Central Park by Councillor Lina Savickiene. Minutes: Councillor Lina Savickiene requested approval to install a memorial bench in Central Park in memory of her daughter. Pictures of the bench were tabled prior to the start of the meeting.
Members were in support of the request. They discussed the positioning and maintenance of the bench. Councillor Savickiene would agree the specific arrangements with Officers outside of the meeting.
The recommendation was proposed by Councillor Barrie Pierpoint and seconded by Councillor Paul Gleeson.
That a memorial bench be installed in Central Park. |