Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Tuesday, 10th January, 2023 10.00 am

Venue: Committee Room Municipal Buildings West Street Boston

Contact: Karen Rist, Democratic Services Officer  Phone: 01205 314226 E-mail:

No. Item



To receive apologies for absence and notification of substitutes (if any).


Apologies for absence were tabled for Councillors Paul Goodale and Deborah Evans


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To sign and confirm the minutes of the last meeting.


With the agreement of the committee the Chairman signed the minutes of the previous meeting.



To receive declarations of interests in respect of any item on the agenda.


Standing declarations of interest are tabled for the following members of the planning committee in their current roles as members or representatives of the following:

Members of Lincolnshire County Council Councillors Tom Ashton, Alison Austin and Paul Skinner.

Members of the South East Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee Councillors Tom Ashton, Peter Bedford and Paul Skinner

Representatives of the Internal Drainage Boards Councillors Tom Ashton, Peter Bedford, Frank Pickett and Judith Welbourn.


Councillor Peter Watson declared that having called-in planning application B 22 0309, whilst he had an open mind in respect of his final determination, he would absent from the meeting and speak as Ward Member for the application.  He further confirmed his position as Chairman of Kirton Parish Council


Councillors Frank Pickett and Judith Welbourn declared they were members of an Internal Drainage Board to ensure recording within the statutory declarations.


Councillor Alison Austin declared that she had been a member of the South East Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee when it had been convened and throughout the duration of the completion of the plan.




To answer any written questions received from members of the public no later than 5 p.m. two clear working days prior to the meeting – for this meeting the deadline is 5 p.m. on 5th January 2023.


No questions tabled



Full Planning Permission


Demolition of existing buildings and proposed residential

development of 6no dwellings with associated works.


Land to rear of Bridge House, Donington Road, Kirton End,

Boston, PE20 1NX


Mr & Mrs Mark & Anne Pinder


Additional documents:


Demolition of existing buildings and proposed residential                                development of 6no dwellings with associated works


Land to rear of Bridge House, Donington Road, Kirton End,                                Boston, PE20 1NX


Mr & Mrs Mark & Anne Pinder


The Senior Planner presented the report to the committee confirming it was tabled following a call-in from Ward Member Councillor Peter Watson.  No updates to the report within the agenda were presented.


Representation was received by Mr Clive Wickes the agent for the applicant which included.

Reiterating that the site to the east had been approved on appeal, Mr Wickes advised that the developer of that site had produced a very attractive layout and quality of homes which had been supported by public uptake.

The current site had been closed since October 2021 and was full of asbestos clad sheds. The proposal gave a gateway entrance for the frontage with bungalows either side of the access road, beyond that three small four bedroom dwellings would be sited with an executive house at the end of the site which has a corner tower. 

With the site under consideration, Mr Wickes felt that the two sites would massively enhance the architectural of Kirton End and raise design standards within the Borough.

Noting the considerable concerns raised in respect of the application, Mr Wickes questioned the one citing a considerable distance from amenities, stating that both Kirton End and Wyberton were within a mile of the site, lending the development to support facilities in adjacent villages.

Lincolnshire County Highways had not objected to the application stating that it would create less vehicle movements than the previous caravan business on the site.  The new footpath was sited on highway land and was in addition to the existing road and not a part of it. The site entrance created a passing bay ensuring that the grass verge opposite would not turn to mud.

The flood risk was sequentially preferable to most in the Borough and the test had been satisfied. The site had been deemed safe for a life time and both foul and surface water had been deemed acceptable.

The ditch to the north of the site prevented a natural stop ensuring no further ribbon development of the site.

In conclusion the reporting officer was commended on the thorough report tabled and committee asked to agree the officer recommendation.


Representation was received by Parish Councillor Ralph Pryke which included:

Prior to Kirton Parish Council’s November meeting at which it had given consideration to the application, three of the Councillors had been contacted by residents voicing concerns. One resident had informed a Parish Councillor that there would not be enough room to put a footpath without a compulsory purchase order to secure private land to enable the footpath. On noting the condition within the application, the Parish Council had questioned how it would be implemented if it was subject to the compulsory purchase order.  The main concern was that it was felt the site would be over development of the area because of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 145.